Break hyperlink when using space / unlink part of hyperlink
When pasting a link without immediately typing a space afterwards, there's no way of adding plain text directly after the hyperlink. The link is always extended. There should be a possibility to enter text after a hyperlink later, without having t...
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
The ability to create tables has been awesome. Having to click to add rows and columns has not. Would love to have some hot keys to add rows and columns to a table.
Asim Dhital
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Please include folder structure in notes section under develop
Please include folder option on the notes section under develop. This will help to organize the notes based on category. Also, would provide a structure when accessing them at a later time.
Rebeka Sultana
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Already exists
Ability to stop Notes from exporting with the icon
When I export an Aha! Note to PDF, the note icon is included in the PDF export. I would like to remove that icon as it does not look desirable on a professional document.
Madeleine Black
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Add in-line comments to aha! views (reports) in notes
Currently we use MS Word for a lot of our reporting, and we would like to make the switch to notes to share our status updates thanks to the dynamic reporting and aha! views that we can embed and update on the fly. However, we also make extensive ...
My team is using notes in Aha! Develop to document parts of our application. We want to ensure the documentation stays up-to-date as code changes, so we'd like to manage note content via source control. Especially content like UML diagrams.
Jeff Tucker
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
With the creation of Note templates, it would be nice to be able to apply that template to all pages within that note hierarchy instead of recreating the page - copy and pasting content into that new page.
Marina Reyna
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Improve Note Editing Functionality (avoid typing over each other)
In notes, our team collaborates and does real-time edits. Unfortunately, we tend to type over each other and sometime the users are bundled, too. Is there a way to prevent us from typing over each others changes?
Marina Reyna
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Create notes related to Aha configurations, and automatically assign them to workspaces
As an Aha administrator, I'd like to create notes about workspace configurations, and have them automatically displayed when those configurations are applied to a workspace. I'd like to update them from a central location, so I don't have to revis...
James Compton
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration
When exporting , allow for the option to export Notes fields as HTML
Currently the export function strips formatting from Notes fields, so in case where we want to adjust offline (e.g., amend data) and import back, we lose all formatting. It would be great if we are able to maintain the formatting on export so we c...
Karla Johnson
almost 3 years ago
in Notes
Already exists