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My ideas: Notes

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Search Note record type edit history

Who would benefit? All teams that use notes What impact would it make? Easily find correct past versions in edit history How should it work? Search bar within edit history in Note record types to pinpoint where in the history something changed (ba...
Emily Millman 11 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Manage who receives email requesting document reviewer edit access

Who would benefit? Workspace owners who are currently receiving all requests to edit a document from a reviewer. What impact would it make? The request to edit a document will be reviewed and approved more quickly with less noise to owners that do...
Julie Price 12 months ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Restrict note and whiteboard sharing to allow only Aha! or SSO users to access

As an organization with strict security policies about how tools can be accessed, please introduce the ability to restrict sharing of notes and whiteboard documents to allow only Aha! or SSO users to access, similar to presentation and webpage sha...
Jeanette Resnikoff over 1 year ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow for Create SSO access when sharing notes and whiteboards

As a large organization, SSO is required to access authorized tools. When sharing documents (notes/whiteboards) today with a non-Aha! user in my organization, that user would need to start a free Aha! Create account with a UN/PW or Google SSO. We'...
Jeanette Resnikoff almost 2 years ago in Account settings / Notes / Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Customizability of notes collections

The recent addition of collections for notes is extremely useful, but it is limited in its customizability. Two specific items I would like to see added: The ability to customize the length of content shown in the collection summary. The ability t...
Scott Goldblatt about 4 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Color Formatting & Macros in Notes

In other Wiki's, the have macros we are able to leverage that are extremely useful for formatting. I'd love to migrate all of our content into the Notes section of Aha! but without some additional color formatting or these macros, it's impossible....
Guest about 6 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Collapse/Expand all sections in Product Notes

I have lots of items, grouped in the Product Notes area and would like to be able to bulk expand/collapse these pages/
Julie Edwards over 6 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Insert live spreadsheets in rich text fields

It would be great to incorporate prettier tables, but more importantly benefit from being able to perform sums on the go using a spreadsheet embedded in a rich text field. Both office365 and google seem to allow this kind of functionality through ...
warren lester over 6 years ago in Notes 1 Future consideration

Better search facilities for notebook documents

Who would benefit? Product teams who use the documents section to capture client information (who the client is, what was discussed on calls etc) What impact would it make? Better search facilities would enable us to get evidence to use to make be...
Guest 7 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Explicitly specify folder location when saving new research

Who would benefit? Notebook users creating new research docs What impact would it make? Avoid users operating within notebooks from having to relocate document on each new creation How should it work? One could be given a choice of save location w...
Aha@IBM 10 months ago in Notes 0 Already exists