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My ideas: Notes

Showing 23

Make it easier to add folders to organise Product Notes

It seems virtually impossible to create a Folder structure to organise Product Notes. Maybe an add folder button? When I try to drag one Product note so that its visible as a sub note to a higher level topic it does not seem to work - only a flat ...
Dennis Kirton almost 6 years ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Ability to search Notes

I have added quite a lot of information to my Notes pages within my Product and would like users to be able to search for keywords to find the applicable notes.
Julie Edwards almost 7 years ago in Notes 3 Already exists

CMD+Click should open a 'pill' link within a note into a new tab

I frequently use CMD+Click on hyperlinks to open the link into a new browser tab. This previosly used to work on the ‘Pill’ for embedded links inside Aha! notes, but today I noticed it is not.
Tom Bailey 8 months ago in Notes 0 Already exists