Automatically numbered headings in the description
For longer Epic/Feature descriptions, having numbered headings makes it easier to read and refer to specific parts of the description. I would like to have automatically numbered headings, so I don't have to do this manually, and if I add a headin...
Martin Haitsma
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
How about inline comments on a requirement DON'T get deleted when that text is altered or removed... that would be great.
Just lost a lot of context and work items that were in comments when an edit was made that removed content from the requirement. This is unacceptable and frustrating. How is it that they aren't stored in the comments section, or the history... the...
Ability to filter dependency types on the custom roadmap or add a colour to the icon for different dependency types
The addition of the releated section on custom roadmaps is useful. However, it would be useful to be able to control which dependencies are shown. For Example I have created a custom roadmap of features I want all of those features to be displayed...
Andrew Brooks
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Epic
Future consideration
Have more record types as primary record in dependency reports
In the primary record you can only select one record type, and hence visualize only fields from that record. However, you can add filters on other record types. Would be more convenient to also be able to visualize and sort these in the primary re...
Kristof Dewulf
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Epic
Future consideration
Show status of an initiative/epic when assigning a feature or release to an initiative/epic
When assigning a feature or release to an initiative/epic, you can't see the status of the initiative/epic so you can inadvertently assign the feature or release to a closed/done etc. initiative/epic. It would be great if the initiative/epic statu...
Greg Horlacher
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
In Jira there are multiple types of issues in an EPIC with Story points: User Stories for development and will be released into Production Tasks for all items that is not released in Production (documentation, support, investigations, etc.) Bugs e...
Would be great to have the progress bar not just calculate on some field completed, but also show as a sort of segmented progress bar, where you can see the percentage of items in another status category. This would allow to have in one view a cle...
Kristof Dewulf
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Working with both features and master features we find the toggle to view either Master features or features in the Board view really useful. However, we really miss the same toggle in the List view where we only can see features. Please include t...
Andreas Moritz
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration