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Sharing Master Features between Products

We deliver customer solutions on top of our base product which often drive the development of (future) features in our base product. Because we have to manage these features separately as part of delivery of this customer "product", we then find w...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

allow a scorecard to count the number of tags in a field and incorporate that into the score

This is a spin-off to the ideas that request that "custom fields" be incorporate-able into a score. It would be great if it wasn't just hard-entered integers, but anything that could be counted. For example, we use a tag field to indicate which of...
Oleg Yazvin about 6 years ago in Epic 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow Attachments to Cascade to Master Features and Features

There are supporting docs that get attached to initiatives that are useful at every level of the product definition. Instead of re-attaching a document to a Master Feature or a Feature, it would be helpful to allow Initiative Attachments to be "ap...
Guest about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Will not implement

Remove the Master Feature ID from Card View

The first thing you see on the feature when it is tied to a feature on the card view is the id number of the master feature which isn't particularly helpful and takes up a lot of real estate.
Nicole Hardin about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Will not implement

Ability to add Schedule fields to Master Feature Custom Card (Start on / Due on)

We are using the Due On field to indicate external commitment timeframe. We would like to see this information on the Master feature card.
Mike Craft about 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Have ability to select which Features move with a Master Feature

Currently, when moving a Master Feature, there is the ability to move ALL related Features with it or move none of the related Features. Would be helpful to be able to granularly select which Features to move with a Master Feature.
cheryl fetchko about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Linking features to more than one master feature

I have a solution A which is made up of features X and Y from products B and C respectively. However, X and Y may also be features in solution B. With the recent update, you’re able to view master features along with features on the feature boar...
Guest about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Will not implement

Add the ability to customize Master Feature cards on the Master Features Road Map

The Master Features Road Map does a great job of showing what master features we are working on in each release and the why. The why being the goals and initiatives they support. Those releases are organized by external due dates and show nicely. ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Dynamically select assigned users on Workflow Board

I love the new Workflow board and actually like the Assigned To swim lanes (i.e. who the responsible PO is for each Master Feature), but having to manually assign users is a pain. The entire company is in one giant Aha workspace meaning thousands ...
Dan Eisenhut over 6 years ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

The History for linking and unlinking features to master features.

We need a way of identifying any scope creep by viewing the history of a master feature to see if any new features have been linked to it. This functionality is available at a feature level as you can see all requirements that are linked to it.
Guest over 6 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists