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Add more granularity to the progress bar

It would be really great if the progress bar could be colour coded so that for each feature against an epic its status could be represented in its individual colour becoming progressively dark green as it more features are completed
Mark Colonnese over 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Add Release for each Feature on Master Feature drawer view

When looking at a Master Feature drawer view it would be great to have the release associated with the feature in the features table. As of now it requires toggling between several views in order to gather this information. This will help for any ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Add Master Feature Status to the Customize View in Custom Roadmap

We want to use the Custom Roadmap Report, but one gap we've found is that in the customize view you can color by Feature Status but not Master Feature Status. This would help us to provide higher level roadmap updates.
Guest over 5 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Multi-line text editing in Feature/Master Feature titles

When editing the titles of master features (or I assume it applies to any item like features, initiatives, releases, etc), the text editor should display multiple lines instead of just one. For long titles, the one-line display results in having t...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Allow @mention in Aha comment

When commenting in Aha text area, we need the @user mention functionality.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Epic 4 Already exists

Additional time fields for customizing record cards

I would like to be able to have the option to add the original estimate, remaining estimate, and logged time fields to my feature and master feature cards (just like how I can pull them into a pivot table). It is helpful to see the original estima...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Sharing Master Features between Products

We deliver customer solutions on top of our base product which often drive the development of (future) features in our base product. Because we have to manage these features separately as part of delivery of this customer "product", we then find w...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Make Notes, available as a relationship custom field

We use notes to capture information related to the EPIC. While there are other custom fields that can be added natively to an EPICS's layout Notes is not one. The only way I've seen to attach a NOTE to an EPIC is making it RELATED. The issue with ...
Eugene Peters almost 3 years ago in Epic / Notes 0 Future consideration

Linking features to more than one master feature

I have a solution A which is made up of features X and Y from products B and C respectively. However, X and Y may also be features in solution B. With the recent update, you’re able to view master features along with features on the feature boar...
Guest about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Will not implement

Visually represent the size of a feature with larger or smaller cards

In Aha, it's difficult to represent the relative effort required for different master features and features. Time is not the only consideration. For example, so features have dependencies that while not requiring heavy effort, will effect the dura...
Nate Dunlevy over 6 years ago in Epic 1 Unlikely to implement