API access for Master Feature->Features and vice versa dependencies
Our organization often maps Master Features against Features as dependencies, and there is presently no way to do analytics on this data because the information is not available via API. Please expose.
Frank Siler
about 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Allow the description field of master feature to be minimized
It would be great if it can be shrunk or minimized for easier viewing. A lot of times, I understand the intent and reason for the master feature. However, I need to see the features and their status that is associated with the master feature. Bein...
Please add the concept of "Sprints" separate from "Releases"
Please indulge me be allowing me to start off with some definitions.
Sprints are generally 1-3 weeks long, happen at a regular cadence and don't have anything to do with ongoing projects/releases other than the fact that Stories related to a proje...
Show epics and features together on features board
By adding grouped features to the Master Feature view this would allow users to see which features are within their master features, and allow drag and drop of features between master features.
The display of features is currently not an option ...
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Apply filters to the Milestone Chart View and keep milestones off the chart until explicitly charted
We have a long list of master features for our product line that need to be prioritized at that level. It would be helpful to do it iteratively, and one way to do that is with filters that allow us to focus just on the master features associated w...
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Add Release for each Feature on Master Feature drawer view
When looking at a Master Feature drawer view it would be great to have the release associated with the feature in the features table. As of now it requires toggling between several views in order to gather this information. This will help for any ...
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Add Master Feature Status to the Customize View in Custom Roadmap
We want to use the Custom Roadmap Report, but one gap we've found is that in the customize view you can color by Feature Status but not Master Feature Status. This would help us to provide higher level roadmap updates.
Despite your careful research, consideration, and planning - that epic you fought for inclusion into a release just isn't going to get started any time soon. Sprints later you realize that it's probably not going to happen ever. Holding on to hope...
Erik Didriksen
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Already exists
The Prefix for all Master Features is 'E', this is a suggestion to change this globally to M to align with the default terminology.
EG PRODUCT-E-123 should be PRODUCT-M-123 instead.
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement