Mark Epics as Achieved when all linked Features are Shipped
I always manually mark an epic as Achieved after I ship all dependent features, if I could choose to automate this it would save that step. Similarly, if all features in a release are shipped, I'd want to automatically have the release marked as s...
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Renaming Master Features "Epics" will confuse those of us with Jira integrations.
Just wanted to make you aware that renaming Master Features "Epics" will be confusing to those of us with Jira integrations. We integrate Features with Epics in Jira.
Avigail Ehrenhaus
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
Tie master feature release to latest release of any sub features
If I move a feature into a later release, and that feature is a member of a master feature, the master feature release should be equal to or later than the release date of that feature so that the master feature is always considered to release equ...
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Initiative progress field calculation by completed master features
A common agile practice is to track progress by the burn up of completed things. I see there is already this kind of calculation for completed features. Need the same thinking to be applied to tracking initiative progress by calculating subordinat...
Richard M
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
More flexibility in how lists of child items are displayed
Across Aha! one can see the child-items of a parent - for exaample, Master Features in an Initiative; or Features belonging to a Master Feature. These items are listed in a static fashion. The items are listed in an alphabetical order and may have...
Venky N
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Ability to link worksheet value to overwrite the Master Feature Score
We have used a Master feature worksheet to add up several values. I want to know if it is possible to automatically pull that total sum from the worksheet and autopopulate the Master Feature Score card value?
Marina Reyna
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Move/Transfer Epic from One Product Workspace to Another Workspace
I understand how to move/transfer features between releases, but I would like to be able to transfer epics (or master features) from one workspace to another. Ex. If you have product workspaces ABC & XYZ, I would like to move epic XYZ-E-1 to A...
Alicia Cyrus
almost 5 years ago
in Epic
Already exists
Update a master feature status to Will not do should ask to update child features
Overview: When moving a master feature/activity on the workflow board, it would be nice to have the associated children update as well. Challenge: Sometimes I want to move a master feature with multiple child features to a status of "Will not do"....
Julie Price
almost 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration