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Allow editing the layout of Related tab

In addition to being able to edit the layout of the Overview tab, it would be helpful to be able to specify what information shows on the Related tab. As an example, it would be good to see the sprint or story points associated with each feature i...
Lexy K almost 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Hiding Record ID from Initiative Drop Down in Epic (or other record)

Hello. I would like to be able to hide the record ID from the drop down of the Initiative field in an Epic or other record type. It is not easy to read the list of initiatives, and most people are not calling a project (initiative) by an auto-gene...
Guest about 2 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

An 'epic' view

Sometimes I just need to review my list of Epics, and get there with a quick click and without needing to go through the Stories list, showing the Epic, sorting on that column. I want an 'Epics List' view as a base start of a report/view.
Gwen St. Pierre almost 3 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Hillcharts for epics

I like using hillcharts to track the progress of work in an epic. I'd like support for this visualization in Aha! Develop.
Guest over 3 years ago in Agile reports / Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Automatically numbered headings in the description

For longer Epic/Feature descriptions, having numbered headings makes it easier to read and refer to specific parts of the description. I would like to have automatically numbered headings, so I don't have to do this manually, and if I add a headin...
Martin Haitsma over 3 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Add to-dos to the epic template

I saw that you added templates to epics (ability to standardize the paragraph). Is there any plan to add template to-do's for epics?
Nadim Sobhani over 3 years ago in Epic 1 Unlikely to implement

Increase epic capacity to 1000 in workflow board

I manage a large portfolio for a product offering that is made up of several workspaces. I have an epic workflow board where i bring everyone together to get status and move epics across status columns in our workflow board. We recently went over ...
Lou Giambalvo over 3 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Allow user to select if they are rolling up to an initiative created within the workspace or an initiative created outside

When linking an epic or a feature to a initiative the search box appears retrives results for every product in the hieracy. This is a very important capability in Aha!, however the list can be hundreds of initiatives, and searching that list each ...
Andrew Brooks over 4 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

More flexibility in how lists of child items are displayed

Across Aha! one can see the child-items of a parent - for exaample, Master Features in an Initiative; or Features belonging to a Master Feature. These items are listed in a static fashion. The items are listed in an alphabetical order and may have...
Venky N over 4 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Add a Master Feature to Multiple Releases

There are times when a Master Feature gets released into multiple Releases. It would be nice to see the master feature and all the releases associated with it form the Gantt Chart.
Guest about 5 years ago in Epic 2 Unlikely to implement