More flexibility in how lists of child items are displayed
Across Aha! one can see the child-items of a parent - for exaample, Master Features in an Initiative; or Features belonging to a Master Feature. These items are listed in a static fashion. The items are listed in an alphabetical order and may have...
Venky N
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Allowing Release IDs to be imported with Master Features
When importing multiple Master Features that are all for different products and releases it is currently not possible to specify where you want each one to go. I would like to be able to with a single import be able to say that Master Feature A go...
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Releases vs Epic view and how they don't seem to relate at all to eachother. And roadmaps doesn't fit in either like they're all different things when they should overlap and be related
releases only have phases which don't relate/droppable for epics or features. Why can't things roll up under epics which are rolled up under the release or phase? doesn't make sense I can see one view of the release but looking at the epics it loo...
over 3 years ago
in Epic / Roadmaps
Future consideration
Would be great to have the progress bar not just calculate on some field completed, but also show as a sort of segmented progress bar, where you can see the percentage of items in another status category. This would allow to have in one view a cle...
Kristof Dewulf
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Apply filters to the Milestone Chart View and keep milestones off the chart until explicitly charted
We have a long list of master features for our product line that need to be prioritized at that level. It would be helpful to do it iteratively, and one way to do that is with filters that allow us to focus just on the master features associated w...
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
When scorecards are applied to a product line, updates to the scorecard should not be applied to released epics. Since notifications for scorecard changes cannot be suppressed, changes to the scorecard result in a massive flood of email notificati...
Rachel Hiatt
almost 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
We have sophisticated intake requests for portfolio work for which we use at the Epic level. To streamline this for our team we would like to have one form where a user is guided through conditionally displayed questions based on previous question...
about 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Add the ability to customize Master Feature cards on the Master Features Road Map
The Master Features Road Map does a great job of showing what master features we are working on in each release and the why. The why being the goals and initiatives they support. Those releases are organized by external due dates and show nicely. ...
over 6 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Limit Custom Fields Linked to Records Using Criteria
Ask : When creating a custom field related to a record (ex. Custom field showing all Epics from all other workspaces), I need a way to display only records that meet some criteria. Example of criteria would be: The records in a specific product li...
Mousa Mitwasi
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration