Cascade an Epic's Initiative to the Features/Requirements of the Epic
When assigning an Epic to an Initiaitve, it would be very nice to have that Initiative cascade to the Epic's Features and Requirements. Likewise, when assigning a Feature/Requirement to an Epic, it should inherit the Epic's Initiative.
There was a recent change to the formatting of the backlog releases v. actual releases on the epic/feature boards. This is creating bad formatting for those of us using dark readers to help with eyesight/migraines. Please update the formatting so ...
Have Custom Layout export views match the on-line layout as opposed to default layout
When exporting an Epic with a custom layout definition to either PNG or PDF format, the custom layout definition is not used. Instead, the default layout is used with the the Overview tab over in the right panel. Since the right panel is a narrow ...
Peter Bongiorno
about 4 years ago
in Epic
Please provide an option to pre-populate the list of teams in the capacity planning section of each epic. We have 14 teams where we're capturing estimates. When entering capacity data, it's very onerous having to manually add a row for each team t...
As we were doing some training today on Aha, it occurred to me that we use the default name of "Master Feature" that Aha! provides. The term "master" as it relates to this usage has some deep negative connotations that started back with slavery. (...
Capacity for teams: Ability to log time against team-based estimates
Capacity for teams is a great way to create a high level plan so that we can determine whether or not the roadmap is possible. We would like to extend it so that we can report on progress. How is it going? Are we on track?
Link to creative brief should go to 'presentation' view and not 'editor' view
as a marketing manager, in experimenting with creative briefs I utilized the custom field 'creative brief' picker for our master activities. However when my team clicks on the creative brief, it opens up the 'editor' view instead of the 'presentat...
In some case I would like to have a condition in which if field X is defined with value X1 than Field Y is automatically set to value Y1
This can help in ensuring data integrity and ease of use
Create and edit master features directly in the Releases > Gantt chart
I'd like to be able to create a master feature directly in the Releases > Gantt charts. This will save me from going to another tab to create a master feature, then creating a feature underneath that, and then refreshing my original Gantt chart...
We follow a progression where we create Master Features and then more detailed features linked to them. We would like the ability to create a mapping and drive Master Feature status based on the status of the underlying features.