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My ideas: Epic

Showing 161

API access for Master Feature->Features and vice versa dependencies

Our organization often maps Master Features against Features as dependencies, and there is presently no way to do analytics on this data because the information is not available via API. Please expose.
Frank Siler about 5 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Option to hide goals and initiatives from selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release

I would like the ability to mark a goal or initiative as complete/obsolete so that they are not available for selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release. I know that you can do this via Archive, but the issue with this is on the reporting...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Epic record link - search by ID

Currently, the user can link a feature to a master feature by searching by feature id. However, the user is unable to link a master deature by searching by master feature id. This creates an inconsistent user experience
Keith Davenport almost 6 years ago in Epic 3 Future consideration

Have ability to select which Features move with a Master Feature

Currently, when moving a Master Feature, there is the ability to move ALL related Features with it or move none of the related Features. Would be helpful to be able to granularly select which Features to move with a Master Feature.
cheryl fetchko about 6 years ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Allowing Release IDs to be imported with Master Features

When importing multiple Master Features that are all for different products and releases it is currently not possible to specify where you want each one to go. I would like to be able to with a single import be able to say that Master Feature A go...
Guest over 6 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Propagate Epic status change to linked Features

What is the challenge? Change in Epic status not reflected in associated Features What is the impact? Lack of status sync between Epic & Features Describe your idea We leverage Epic as the primary record for approval workflow. I would like to ...
Senthil G about 1 month ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Global Automation Rules

What is the challenge? Set up automation rules for more than one workspace What is the impact? An easier way to setup automation rules in multiple workspace (without the need to copy the rules) Describe your idea Currently if we want to use the sa...
Edgar Holguin 3 months ago in Epic 0 Already exists

AI assistant to help me break down epics / features

What is the challenge? I spend a lot of time working on the details of an epic or a feature. Linking research, ideas, corporate initiatives. Then I send the work to a team or a product owner for them to breakdown into smaller units of work. Often ...
Mike Lowery 4 months ago in Backlogs / Development / Epic / Features 0 Future consideration

Have tag hierarchies

What is the challenge? If I use a pre-defined tag list to encode information such as a stakeholder team, I have to select all of the teams above that one in the hierarchy manually to be able to report at various levels. What is the impact? If I ma...
Guest 6 months ago in Epic 3 Future consideration

Automate feature creation on epics

Who would benefit? User teams that do a lot of repetitive work with contextual differences What impact would it make? It would help keep backlog items consistent and reduce the time needed for repetitive work created with necessary data relationsh...
David I. over 1 year ago in Epic 0 Future consideration