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My ideas: Epic

Showing 162

Change Master Feature Prefix

The Prefix for all Master Features is 'E', this is a suggestion to change this globally to M to align with the default terminology. EG PRODUCT-E-123 should be PRODUCT-M-123 instead.
Guest over 5 years ago in Epic 1 Unlikely to implement

Show Roll Up Initiatives in MasterFeature/Feature Card

I would like to be able to show roll up initiatives on the Master Feature and Feature cards. We use the hierarchy: * Initiative Roll Up = Initiative/Project/Program (depending on situation) ** Initiative = Project Epics *** Master Features = Epic...
Kristian Haglund over 5 years ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Configure so that epics and feature dates are following release dates

I would like to be able to configure so that the master features (MF) and features (F) follows the release date. This would be very helpful during sprint planning and replanning. The bulk editing is a work around, but still when you move around th...
Kristian Haglund over 5 years ago in Epic 1 Unlikely to implement

Configure time settings for master features

I would like to be able to select/configure whether the time calculation for a Master Feature is manually or automatically set on product line/product level. Today the default is manual so to get a "live" view based on features each Master feature...
Kristian Haglund over 5 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Option to hide goals and initiatives from selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release

I would like the ability to mark a goal or initiative as complete/obsolete so that they are not available for selection on the Master Feature, Feature or Release. I know that you can do this via Archive, but the issue with this is on the reporting...
Amy Lackas almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Multi-line text editing in Feature/Master Feature titles

When editing the titles of master features (or I assume it applies to any item like features, initiatives, releases, etc), the text editor should display multiple lines instead of just one. For long titles, the one-line display results in having t...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Already exists

Additional time fields for customizing record cards

I would like to be able to have the option to add the original estimate, remaining estimate, and logged time fields to my feature and master feature cards (just like how I can pull them into a pivot table). It is helpful to see the original estima...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

Choose which non-shipped features move with a Master Feature

Currently if you move a Master Feature to another release it will ask you if you want to move all of the non-shipped features. This enhancement request is asking to be able to checkbox select which features you want to move. See example, I would w...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 0 Unlikely to implement

Copying an epic should also copy the associated features

Currently, if I want to copy a Master Feature, I must copy the Master Feature, then copy each associated Feature and map them to the Master Feature. This is time consuming and doesn't make a lot of sense.
doug evans almost 6 years ago in Epic 8 Future consideration

Epic record link - search by ID

Currently, the user can link a feature to a master feature by searching by feature id. However, the user is unable to link a master deature by searching by master feature id. This creates an inconsistent user experience
Keith Davenport almost 6 years ago in Epic 3 Future consideration