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Allow idea automation to include submitting organization as a condition

What is the challenge? When an idea is submitted or changes status I want the account team members associated with the customer that submitted the idea to be notified (or added as watchers). This is not possible today, and as a result I have to no...
Alex Horan 6 months ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Create an API end point for subscription details

What is the challenge? Aha! does not have an API end point that provides subscription details - plan type, number of seats. What is the impact? Teams would like the ability to programmatically call for subscription details to keep subscription det...
Kristina Gass 25 days ago in API 0 Future consideration

Configure default record link type used when work requests are accepted

What is the challenge? Looking for the ability to request work from other workspaces, but the default record link type is a dependency. What is the impact? Today when a work request is accepted the new record and original record are connected thro...
Kristina Gass 26 days ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Reportable field for internal idea comment date

What is the challenge? Currently, adding the field "Idea last internal comment" provides both the date and the text in one value. This field is not available for calculation columns, so I cannot sort by date of comment. What is the impact? Better ...
Becca Bommarito about 1 month ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Individual Work View

What is the challenge? It's difficult for individuals on my team to know what to focus on among all the items assigned to them. What is the impact? Requirements and ideas are not attended to causing poor communication with stakeholders and lack of...
Charlton Bilow 3 months ago in Application / My work 4 Future consideration
182 VOTE

Dark mode for Aha! Roadmaps

As a user of Aha!, the amount white background I stare at is challenging. I adjust my monitors to reduce glare but it's still a lot. Could we have a dark theme to replace the white background as an option for users?
Greg Koeka over 6 years ago in Application 20 Future consideration

Allow additional record information for prioritization view filtering and adding of columns

Today, the prioritization views for ideas, initiatives, and features only allow information from a record directly associated with the record that is being prioritized. For example, if I am prioritizing ideas, I can only bring in data from ideas a...
Amanda K 13 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Import items even if a parent is not available due to security restrictions

What is the challenge? Some of our work items (e.g. a feature) in ADO are linked to security related parents (e.g. an epic) in ADO. We are not able to access the parent work item due to these security settings. However we would like to see the fea...
Tobias Getz 14 days ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Custom default colour for whiteboard objects e.g. as templates

What is the challenge? As an extensive user of whiteboards, I would like to create whiteboard objects using specific colours so that I can implement different colour codes for different purposes. For example, arrows always come out in Wizard Blue ...
Ian Babelon 14 days ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow custom links within help (?) menu

What is the challenge? For large scale implementations it requires a blend of general Aha! documentation and internally created documentation to provide users with a complete picture. In app we are limited to only Aha! resources What is the impact...
Michael Bruner about 2 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration