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Add option to save Notebook to image file - preferably png

we still need to do presentations to management/execs and an image file would be easier to work with for placing in other documents
Aldon C over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Be able to change to colour icon associated with each initiative

It seems to select a colour at random and that colour is often one already used so its hard to tell them apart
Guest over 10 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Order features on Pivot Table in same order as Feature Board

On behalf of Sanjiv from Zipscene (entered by Suzanne) Sanjiv would like the pivot table feature lists to be listed in the same order as they are on the feature board (so pull order).
Guest over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Associations for ideas

It would be useful to link ideas to other ideas as can be done with features.
Guest over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Add a page that displays the status of ideas

As a Product Manager, I want a page that displays the status of ideas submitted to Aha! portal so that my team feels they have visibility into the process of submitting and evaluating ideas. Pretty straightforward for this one! I'd like to give a ...
Guest almost 11 years ago in  0 Shipped

Searching Tags

In the Features > List view, there is no way to search for tags that have been associated with a feature. You can only search tags in the top Product view. Please add the capability of searching for tags in the Features view as that is the vi...
Guest almost 11 years ago in  0 Shipped

Custom Fiscal Years

It would be great to be able to set a custom fiscal year. For example in Australia the fiscal year typically ends 30 June in line with tax reporting.
Guest about 11 years ago in  1 Shipped

Duplicate feature

Sometimes multiple features have a lot of copy and settings in common, it would be great to be able to duplicate a feature and then edit the small differences that this new feature may have compared to the original instead of having to redo everyt...
Guest about 11 years ago in  0 Shipped

Share releases accross products

We have 3 products that follow the same release cycle. It would be helpful to not having to triplicate our releases or even view a release that contains multiple products. There may be a couple of ways to skin this cat.
Guest over 11 years ago in  0 Shipped

Report on a document (or whiteboards) created by user

It would be helpful to report on document and whiteboard created by users as we can with other Aha! records in an effort to audit who is creating notes and where within the account. This detail is also helpful in identifying the author of document...
Justin Waldorf 3 months ago in Notes / Whiteboards 0 Shipped