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Enable overlay of milestones on schedule or phase roll-up duration bars

It would be very useful to have the option to have milestones (all, or selected) displayed directly on the duration bar for a schedule or phase, instead of having them each take up a row beneath, the way activities do. This would make a schedule-l...
Guest over 1 year ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Ability to hide record prefix

At the beginning of activities and initiatives, there is grey wording. For activities it numbers the tasks, for example, MARKETING-11. The prefix is used to create a permanent unique identifier to locate records throughout the database. However, o...
Guest over 1 year ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Risk Management Capability

One very large gap is the lack of ability to manage risks/issues. Similar to To-Do/Approval, we need a Risk/Issue tab for each key element (Plan, Epic, Activity) where we can record Risks and Issues; the ability to promote from Risk to Issue to Cl...
Sorin Vacaru about 3 years ago in Schedules 2 Already exists

Create an automation that allows assigning activities to a schedule

This would be a matter of adding schedule as one of the available fields in the exisiting Activities automation.
Guest over 3 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Burndown chart legend

As a PM, I need to have a legend on the Burndown/Progress Chart. I can't remember what the colors mean. And I have to have the link to the Help Page bookmarked on our Overview page to share with others.
Pamela Thomas almost 4 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Ability to run a report that lists all virtual users and which teams they are part of

We have been using the advanced capacity planner and used that to define allocation of our engineers by teams. We are trying to get the list of our virtual users with the various teams they are defined as part of. We are looking for a way to expor...
Cyril Bousquet about 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Schedules 1 Future consideration

Pin the horizontal scroll bar to the bottom of the screen.

Currently, you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of your Gantt to then move right or left on the chart. It can be very disorienting when looking at a specific Phase or Activity, then moving to the bottom of the Gantt just to be able to...
Guest about 1 year ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Option for a field type of Month

Please add support for a field type which captures Month and is graphable on a timeline. When estimating timelines, we usually don't get to a day level precision, but we need to put in some sort of date in order to generate a timeline view. But of...
Lisa Gutierrez about 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Ability to add more than 40 schedules to a Gantt

We are using the Gantts to show a portfolio overview of when things will be delivered. The limit of 40 schedules means there are many pieces/dependencies that cannot be seen. CAn you lift that 40 limit?
Guest over 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Change color of dependency/arrow in Gantt charts

In order to easily see the dependencies of/with an item in a Gantt chart, it would help if the arrows/links from/to an item changed color when clicking on the item in a Gantt chart (while the item is selected).
Guest over 2 years ago in Dependencies / Schedules 0 Future consideration