I think it would be a great enhancement to the experience of entering a date range, if the calendar could display bubbles for both the start time and the end time simultaneously. Attached a visual for reference/clarity.
almost 3 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Custom fiscal year dates, like 5/30/2021-5/28/2022
Not every company has a tidy month-based fiscal calendar. The current Deloitte fiscal year, for example, is 5/30/2021-5/28/2022. FY23 will be 5/29/2022-6/3/2023.
John Shkolnik
about 3 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Release Phases represented as multi-day events on the Calendar Report
I can only find a way to see Release Phase Start Dates or End Dates in the Calendar Reports view. I'd like to see the entire multi-day length of the phase represented in the calendar view.
over 3 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Calendar Integrations should include Release Names, not just Phase Names.
We use Release Templates to generate releases. So all of our Releases have the same Phase Names. When exporting a Phase End Date Calendar Report to Outlook, only the Phase names are included. When there are several releases in development at once,...
over 3 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
It would be useful to be able to show the workspace name on items on the calendar reports. We managed a portfolio of products in Aha! and would like to use the calendar to highlight upcoming releases. However, we aren't able to indicate which work...
Max O.
almost 4 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
I know its not good to compare what the competition is doing, but just stumbled on this site, and thought it had great automation and process flow around stakeholder communication and launch releases that it would be worth evaluating how Aha stack...
almost 4 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
One-click option to view a release as a calendar report
Over the past couple months Aha! has added some fantastic one-click report options throughout the app. You can click More options in a custom table to see it as a pre-built list report You can click Manage integrations next to the Integrations pag...
Erik Johnson
almost 5 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration