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Fix links added via custom fields in shareable webpage view of roadmaps

The custom field link just appears as text not a link
Guest about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Filter epics by workspace in strategic roadmap

See comment in We have parent initiatives in our business line, which split into (product-specific) child initiatives, which contain epics. Take the following hierarchy: Business Line InitiativeProduct 1 in...
Gianmarco Spiga about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Allow the format of the Portfolio Roadmaps be used for other strategic roadmaps

There is a desire to create strategic roadmaps within Aha, but the views are very "Gant Chart" style/format. The Portfolio roadmap view is visually appealing, but it seems to only allow me to use that view with releases on a roadmap. It seems like...
Guest over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Shipped

Hide Features label in Feature Roadmap when no Feature is chosen

When you select no Features for display in the Features Roadmap, you are left with a Features Heading and an empty box. It would be great to have both of them disappear when you don't select any features.
Aldon C over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Update + Existing Features behavior on Releases Overview to be consistent with other Options for adding Features to this view

There are a couple of different ways of adding features to the Releases -> Overview/Roadmap views. The different approach have different behavior and the behavior for one of the methods is quite disruptive to the schedule. The scenarios apply w...
Matt Case almost 8 years ago in Releases / Roadmaps 1 Shipped

Allow roadmap export in pdf from Confluence using Aha Roadmaps for Confluence

Aha Roadmaps for Confluence plugin for self-hosted Confluence does not export as pdf. The macro section leaves a blank space in the pdf document.
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Starter Roadmap - ability to export start date of a release

statement of support:The starter roadmap is intended to serve as a place to sketch out plans visually and add data on the fly. The start of the release bar in the starter roadmap can be widened freely to become a visual container where you can add...
Martin Eberle about 5 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Shipped

Improve formatting for Roadmap when using Master Features

The current formatting options present the master feature and sub-feature in a single line. This makes for a long line that takes up a lot of space when displaying both descriptions next to each other. It also clutters the road map by repeating th...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Shipped

Text Stays on Screen for Starter Roadmap

When scaling the starter roadmap to one quarter or year on a multiple quarter/year initiative the text ends up off the screen to the left. The text should move with the time period so it's always visible.
Zach Novak almost 6 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped

Product name on portfolio roadmap

It would be good if the product name, as well as the release information, could be shown on the portfolio roadmap when hovering over the release marker. Currently, multiple products are distinguished by colour however there is no key and 5+ produc...
Guest about 6 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped