When moving a phase or feature within a gantt chart, the system currently allows for the the dependent (child) phases/features to stay in the timeline as they currently are, but highlights the dependency in red. However, this does not show the imp...
Don Fifer
about 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Link Initiative Rank to the Initiative Score for accurate Ranking
If you are looking at a Rank field, one would assume it's based on the only mathematical formula on the record. Our teams don't use the chart - we use a score - so the current Rank field is essentially useless now - when we hoped it would be linke...
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
Suppress shipped items when building starter roadmaps. When I'm building a roadmap, it doesn't make sense to sort things that have already shipped. It's very cumbersome to have to look through the entire history of my product to include only activ...
Tom Beck
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Gauge chart to depict progress towards roadmap completion
Let's say, I have an important major version release slated for Dec 2019 and I have monthly releases with several features planned with every release. I want to create a gauge chart that would show progress from 0% to 100% as I releases are shippe...
Amol Naik
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
On the Starter Roadmap, add a way to filter out weekends from the calendar
On the starter roadmap, the dates are displayed, but the weeks start on Sunday and run through Saturday. This isn't super helpful and there isn't a way to only display M-F. The extra days are distracting and give the impression of more days availa...
Add tooltip to the dependency line checkbox for custom roadmaps
What is the challenge? Currently dependency lines only show for the primary record in a report, not necessarily for the record shown in the bars What is the impact? This is confusing as it's not explained clearly Describe your idea Add a tooltip o...
Peter Whisenant
3 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Sort first column when grouping records on the Now, Next, Later roadmap
What is the challenge? On my Now, Next, Later roadmap, I've grouped records by Initiative. I see that I can sort the records within their initiative, but I don't see a way to change the order in which the Initiatives appear in this view - they app...
Chrissi McNamara
5 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Goal start and end dates calculated from multiple initiatives
What is the challenge? When a goal has multiple initiatives, it isn't possible to have its start date taken from the start date of the earliest initiative and its end date taken from the end date of the latest initiative when showing it on a custo...
Jack Parr
6 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Request to holistically omit Parking Lot releases in filters for all Views
What is the challenge? Add Release as a filter in every view to only select "Active" releases and omit Parking Lot "Inactive" releases. What is the impact? This creates a lot of manual work on all of our views. Cannot leverage the Auto Add new rel...
Karen L
7 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration