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My votes: Roadmaps

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Add laptop touchscreen support

Aha! already has drag-n-drop support in roadmaps. It would be nice if I can use my laptop's touchscreen to drag items the same way I do it with a mouse cursor.
Guest about 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Text wrapping in custom roadmap views

Currently, if you need to use a custom roadmap and the "show text inside thick line" option, text doesn't wrap. So if you need to display a good amount of text - a feature or master name, tags or labels, short summaries etc - you just get this ext...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 5 Future consideration

Linear master release road map

The general idea is that i want to be able to see each individual phase for a sub-release in i different color in a single line of the road map, now when you visualize it breaks up into separate lines with different colors but id like that to be i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Ability to reduce columns in Roadmap view

I have created a custom roadmap that has "Initiative Name" and "Initiative Status" in the Rows and "Master Feature Name" in the Cells. When my roadmap is displayed, it created 2 columns one for "Initiative Name" and another for "Initiative Status"...
Charlie Brooks over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Gauge chart to depict progress towards roadmap completion

Let's say, I have an important major version release slated for Dec 2019 and I have monthly releases with several features planned with every release. I want to create a gauge chart that would show progress from 0% to 100% as I releases are shippe...
Amol Naik over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Integration with Teams - allow for Roadmaps updates to be sent to Teams

We were so excited by the new integration with Teams, however, we were disappointed that Roadmaps were not an option of what could be sent to teams
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Calendar - combine same phase names into one card.

I'd like to be able to show a calendar view to different stakeholders, about dates coming up. When I create a calendar using phase starts, multiple lines show up for each product/release. I'd like to show these in one line.
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Dual Track Roadmaps

If your roadmap goes out further than a couple of months then those items further out are doing you a disservice. To anyone looking at that roadmap, they look like things that you are definitely going to do. Even worse is the fact that those item ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Have the option to suppress the Feature Name in the Roadmaps->Features view

To be possible to suppress the display of the Feature Name in the Roadmaps->Features view. I ask because our Feature Names are long (but accurate). I have created a custom field called “Short title” which contains a shorter Feature name and bet...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement

Set default Feature duration for Starter Roadmap

Currently, the features added into the Starter Roadmap are a month long. When working with smaller timescales, this becomes cumbersome. Having the ability to set a new default duration would save a lot of clicking and resizing.
Lukasz Szczepanski over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement