I'd like to be able to produce a Now/Next/Later Agile Roadmap from Aha. I can kind of do this by adding a custom "timeframe" field to the releases and creating a custom pivot report. Unfortunately, the pivot report creates a vertical list of thing...
Who would benefit? All users of road maps What impact would it make? Road map discussions are often broad discussions reaching to the future. I know you can add milestones to Gantt charts but they are not visible on any of the road map views we us...
Ability to create release phases and milestones which automatically use business days
For example, this would allow me to create week-long phases which would be 5 days (and not 7 days). A milestone would also automatically be populated on the first business day available.
Related to this, I would like to be able to create templates...
It would make the Starter roadmap much clear to read when you could show the Master features in Releases instead of individual features. So please add possibility to display also the Master releases
Customised text formatting for sharing roadmaps (or at least larger font sizing).
Very happy with the web presentation of roadmaps in notebooks, however we still need to print them effectively in some circumstances. Also would be valuable to be able to fit to one page. The ability to change text size when exporting to a specifi...
Add all features to presentation convenience method on Features->Roadmap view
On the Features->Roadmap view, when viewing a release Roadmap that includes Feature status, items are either aggregated under their feature status, or lumped into a "Not Shown In Presentations" bucket. The mechanism by which the default state o...
Group features into master feature containers on gantt chart
Master features are used to group features that share a common business objective. They can be used to manage groups of features that reside in multiple products across multiple releases. This idea is to be able to view master features as containe...
Austin Merritt
over 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
The primary sort for the initiatives on the roadmap is by start date. There is no available configuration for the secondary sort, it is hard coded to be alphabetical. I would like to show a different secondary sort (ie by product to show product l...
Allow configuration of dashboards to tie panels directly to reports
Currently the only option for reports in Aha! dashboards requires creating a copy of the report. When this is done, any edits to the source report are not propagated to the dashboard panel. Some teams would prefer that the dashboard would automati...
Bonnie Trei
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps