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Strategic Roadmaps Custom appearance for Epics and Features

As a stakeholder I want visual clues to differentiate between epics and features. Since nested views are not available in Strategic roadmaps, it would be great to change appearance of epics to help stakeholders who are not as familiar with the vie...
Victor Lavrentyev almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Include newly created epics and features (and allow filtering) on starter roadmap

One item I hate to do is go back an update reports every week with tedious manual steps. Roadmaps are nice but have two big problems for me: When the design team adds new Epics/Features I need to go manually add them to the selected things to incl...
Guest about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 5 Future consideration

Embed aha reports in powerpoint

Many applications give you the option to embed active content into office products. It will be difficult for Aha to ever give the same level of flexibility. We would like instead to be able to embed active content into powerpoint (any aha report, ...
David G about 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Option for horizontal headers in Portfolio

Would it be possible to add an option to have the Product Line headers appear horizontally? This would make them easier to read, and avoid having the text cut off. Sample attached.
Steve Matthews almost 9 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Unlikely to implement

Roadmap history: Show when delivery risk flags were raised or removed

Who would benefit? Product teams tracking delivery risks What impact would it make? Teams often need to understand not just what records are currently at risk, but when the risk was raised (and by whom, when relevant) and when the risk was mitigat...
Reilly O'Connor 12 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Allow card highlight in features roadmap

It would be great if you could choose to add colour to the feature cards on the features > roadmap. I'd love a "Colour by" option that allowed you to choose a field to base the colour on (i.e status, assignee, custom field, etc), and apply that...
Madeleine Black over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Custom calendar "resolutions"

We operate in a SAFe development organisation and it would be great if we could create our own custom calendar resolution that shows each PI - as an alternative to the current options of Days, Week, Month, Quarters. Requirements: PIs can be set ma...
Mark Gerrard over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Sort Initiatives by priority/order rather than alphabetically, in Features roadmap

In the Features roadmap, Initiatives are shown alphabetically. But we want to show them in priority order. By comparison, Master Features are shown in order by the way they appear in the Features board. Likewise, Initiatives could be shown by the ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Auto-check any newly added feature in the feature roadmap under reports

Aha! came out with this new great feature where you can set filters to automatically add newly created releases or features to a report automatically if it fits within the filters. However, If I try to do this on the feature roadmap report, i can ...
Rachel Brown about 6 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Text wrap for thick bars with text inside

Text inside the bar is useful, as it takes up less space on the page in most cases, and makes it 100% clear which item you are referring too on the roadmap. However, when the name of the item is long, then the text runs off the bar and this looks ...
Andrew Brooks almost 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration