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My ideas: Roadmaps

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"Hide from Shared Views" Button for Now, Next, Later Roadmap

What is the challenge? The only way to hide an epic from a now, next, later roadmap is to wholly filter it from the report. We convey different info to different stakeholders/teams in the org and, for example, will often hide certain epics from sa...
Guest 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Frameworks: Assign stakeholders by role

What is the challenge? Steps in Frameworks have a Stakeholder field which is a user field. People come and go over time but in a framework, the role of the person ought to remain the same. Typically, it is the contribution of that role which is im...
Steve Dagless 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add forecasting to roadmaps.

What is the challenge? Status reporting can often hide problems in delivery and we may not know if there are issue until it's too late. The date line and the % complete are ok, and you can see when something is "late", the challenge is "when might...
Mike Lowery 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Prioritization Page Templates

What is the challenge? For every new sprint we have to either create a new page from scratch or copy a previous one and then remove the items from the report manually What is the impact? Manual work to remove item that do not apply Describe your i...
John Peterson 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Card layout templates

What is the challenge? Customising card layouts in different places takes lots of time What is the impact? Allow applying templated customisations to cards Describe your idea I want to be able to save customised card layout so I can use it elsewhe...
Alexey Zimarev 10 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

Allow users to disable "Move features to new release" popup

What is the challenge? When moving an Epic between releases, in our solution workspace, a popup asks "The following feature will be moved to NEXT. Please indicate whether the non-shipped epics in this feature should also be moved." Accepting moves...
Guest 10 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add ability to configure "hover tooltip" to display a custom field on a Roadmap

What is the challenge? Ability to show add'l information about a feature on a roadmap. Right now it just seems to display feature start & end date. How would you solve it? Allow customization of "hover tooltips" What impact would it make? Incr...
Guest 11 months ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Ability to export history of change on features roadmap

Who would benefit? People who have to track across multiple workspaces; each with multiple releases (ex. we track 19 workspaces) What impact would it make? huge impact; would automate tracking changes and show traceability/tell the story of why th...
Guest 11 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Include Roll-Up Initiatives in Now, Next, Later Roadmap

Who would benefit? All Users What impact would it make? Better grouping/thematic organization in one view How should it work? Add a 'Group records by' option for Roll-Up initiatives Add a 'Customized card layout' option for Roll-Up initiatives
Guest 11 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Select ascending/descending sort order in Now/Next/Later roadmap columns

Who would benefit? Users who use date ranges in their N/N/L roadmaps What impact would it make? Clarify sequencing of work within each column, informing viewers what is coming next How should it work? When cards are sorted by date in any of the co...
Guest 11 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration