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Synchronise mockups to other integrations

Currently, when a mockup is updated or deleted, the file does not stay in sync with an integrated system. Ideally, the same mockup file would continue to get updated across the systems.
Toray Altas over 6 years ago in Application / Integrations / Mockups 1 Future consideration

Clone a mockup

I'd like to be able to clone an existing mockup diagram, so that I can quickly do A/B variations of an idea.
Guest over 6 years ago in Mockups 2 Will not implement

Retrieve auto-saved mockups

I created an Idea and spent (too much) time working on a related mockup, and lost all my work when my computer restarted. :( Annoying since the mockup editor told me it was auto-saving changes along the way. Are mockups not saved anywhere if the I...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Make mockup able to link to more than one feature/release/requirement

I made a mockup today under the naive impression I could easily link other requirements or features to it. Giving the users the ability to link other requirements or features to the same mock up would be nice when you have several screen states or...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Mockups 4 Future consideration

Need ability to user "dropper" to retrieve color code from a screenshot uploaded and use that color to fill in a piece of a screenshot

Currently, you can only choose a hex code which isn't helpful when you are trying to delete something from a screenshot, text for example and add your own when making mockups. Sketch has this feature and until aha adds it, I need to continue using...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Mockups 0 Unlikely to implement

Interactive & Shareable Mockups

Mockups are interactive and can be shared similar to or It would be great if mockups in Aha! could be interactive (clickable) and shared.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Mockups 3 Future consideration

Show multiple pages of a mockup in the image viewer

Currently, when you create a mockup with multiple pages, only the first page is visible in the image viewer. The only way to get around this today is to create multiple mockup files. I would like the ability to show all pages of a single mockup in...
Ron Yang almost 7 years ago in Mockups 9 Will not implement