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My ideas: Mockups

Showing 25

In Mockup it would be useful to link a shape or point in a flow to a User/Job Story

When creating a process or diagram if you could insert a link of requirement number using # reference function in the Edit Link function, which will either take you into the Requirement if clicked or pop up the Requirement Name when you hover. It ...
Kelly Jaques over 4 years ago in Mockups 1 Future consideration

Ability to convert a mockup image with text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement

While in Mockups, it'd be cool to be able to convert a shape that contains text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement by right clicking on it and clicking Convert to > and then have the options. Then the text within the shape would be ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Mockups 1 Will not implement

Misc mockup enhancements

Move, copy mockups between records Easier link of multiple views of a mockup document into presentations Utilize layers please. layers are powerful things Ability to create a template/starter mockup & share between workspaces
James Compton over 3 years ago in Mockups 0 Future consideration

Reorder mockups inside features or requirements

Mockups are a great way to tell a user story. While developing new features, mockups are not always designed in the best order to tell that story. To improve this interaction, it should be possible to reorder the order of the mockups inside a fea...
Guest about 7 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Create a mockup from Product > Files

I want the ability to create a mockup from the Product > Files page without necessarily having to attach it to a record. Right now, the only way I can create a mockup is if I attach it to a record.
Guest over 5 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Support zoom in/out for mockups for reviewers

The ability to create mockups within Aha! to illustrate simple flows or concepts it great. However, it can be difficult for reviewers to read some of the information displayed in the mockup in "review" mode because the image gets fitted within the...
JP Guyon over 5 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Update version and include PlantUML

In the latest version of online, you are able to add Advanced items, such as PlantUML
Guest over 5 years ago in Mockups 1 Will not implement

Enable "sketch" style in / mockup tool

This is really just for fun, but I personally like the ability to enable the "sketch" style under the editor in Confluence. I use it extensively as it makes the notes a little bit more fun to read. I noticed that the editor in Aha!...
JP Guyon about 4 years ago in Mockups 1 Future consideration

Save user settings/preferences on Mockups

Each time I go into Mockups, I change the paper size to landscape and expand (open) the shape categories that I commonly use. It would be wonderful if I could save my preferences (or if my preferences were saved from the last time I was in the Moc...
C Gordon almost 7 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Ability to Name Mock-Ups

As a user, it can be confusing if I have multiple mock-ups on a field with only a date as the title. I end up clicking into the wrong one many times. I'd like to be able to Name my mock-up files.
Guest about 5 years ago in Mockups 0 Already exists