Show name of user whose token is being used in ADO integration
Who would benefit? Admins of accounts with ADO integrations What impact would it make? When an ADO integration is created, a user with the correct permissions must enter their token to authenticate the integration. However, the token owner's name ...
Ability to refresh data from the development tool for a single Aha record
Sometimes I'd just like to fix a record or two that have gotten out of sync. When I click on the Integrations menu for a particular feature, I have the option to resend all fields to my development tool (Aha -> ADO), or, to delete the link. IDE...
Function as a hub to push data from JIRA to DevOps
We use JIRA internally for tracking most of our development work, while a customer we work for uses DevOps. We also use Aha. We would like our customers to be able to see JIRA comments pushed through to DevOps. We tried to use Aha as a 'hub' to do...
Allow mapping Release as a field on Requirements in Azure DevOps integration
Due to our iterations setup in Azure DevOps (ADO) we do not currently map Releases as a record. We are sending this instead as a field on the Epic and Feature records to a custom field in ADO. We would like to do the same on Requirements but it is...
Provide the ability to map the Release field from a Feature or Epic to an external system such as ADO
Given that AHA is all about releases and ADO is all about time lines, the concept of a Release in AHA is quite different than what exist in ADO - yet there is a Target Release field in ADO as well as in the Feature of AHA - please can this be expo...
We are an outsourced product management company, so we have alot of integrations to alot of our customers. We have found that when an individual in one of our customers orgs makes a comment, the comment text is sync'd, but the name of the person w...
Is anyone interested in starting up a Aha! Azure DevOps Integration Community to share ideas, best practices, discussions on how you solved complex integration problems.
Add ability to sync custom table one to many field with AZURE DevOps Fields
I would like to be able to sync a one to many custom field, that links ties to a custom table, we have added to our requirements (PBIs), with the iteration path from DevOps. This does not appear to be possible. The reason for this is that we have ...
ability to integrate idea information into Azure DevOps
We use the ideas portal to solicit new enhancements from our users and then link those ideas to features in our products. The problem is only our product management and dev management use Aha. our development team uses Microsoft DevOps to track th...
Currently, if a user adds a comment to a User Story or Bug discussion in VSTS and embeds an image in the comment, the image doesn't come through with the comment that shows up in Aha!. This makes it difficult for the reader in Aha! to follow the d...