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Azure DevOps Services and Server

Showing 92

Bi-directional support for Area Level fields in ADO integration

What is the challenge? Currently we offer Area Level fields in our ADO integration for each Area Level. This allows us to receive the unique Area Level from ADO, but currently updates in Aha! do not change the Area Level back in ADO despite the se...
Stephanie Lechner 5 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Allow a single Azure DevOps webhook to support updates across multiple Aha! integrations

With Jira, a single Aha! webhook added at the system level supports updates across all Aha! integrations. This makes scaling integrations simple as after the first setup, a user never has to add another webhook. With Azure DevOps (TFS), each i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

Add support to map Azure Boolean Fields to Aha

This request is to support the mapping of ADO boolean fields to Aha predefined droplist and tag fields. Currently, Azure DevOps Boolean fields (true/false) cannot be mapped to Aha fields. Rather, in ADO, you need to create a field as a picklist in...
Jerrold Emery about 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Keep features in sync when they cross areas in Azure DevOps

This is useful when you have your DevOps areas configured by team. Once the features are pushed from Aha! to DevOps and evaluated by the team they need to be moved into the area for the appropriate team. Any team can work on any feature based on a...
Deb Gay almost 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Map VSTS/TFS picklist custom fields to Aha! choice list fields

VSTS/TFS picklist custom fields are treated as strings and cannot support option mappings. Mapping a picklist field to an Aha! choice list field should provide the option to click Configure and map the choices.
Tessa Adair about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 9 Future consideration

DevOps Integration: Sync "Task" Workitems with Aha's "To-Dos"

Currently, our main work in DevOps gets done within Task items which also have effort spent inside. These however are not a sync-option within the "To-Do" level of Aha!. The fields "Name, Description, Assigned to, Due Date (and maybe effort or oth...
Michael Scholze about 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

Fix critical Aha to VSTS Integration not syncing Feature Order

We are trying sync the Feature order from Aha to VSTS (never the other way around). Keeping the Features in VSTS in the same order in Aha is in our use case, critical to using the integration. The reason that it fails is because matching the Aha R...
Guest about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 2 Future consideration

Sync releases for Azure DevOps integration

Currently we cannot push work back from Azure to Aha correctly as the releases/Iterations do not sync which causes manual work to move a card to the correct Aha release once imported. Iterations can be nested in ADO, and when you try to send recor...
Ronnie Merkel over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Enable tags to be a selection for Azure DevOps integration of requirements

What is the challenge? You can sync tags for features but not requirements, What is the impact? creates duplication of work having to recreate tags in Azure DevOps Describe your idea As part of the field mapping for Azure DevOps integration "tags"...
Guest 9 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Filter capabilities on the Integration Update Import screen

As one Product Owner of a very large product that has a lot of product owners, I would like more filter capabilities on the Integration Updates import screen so that I can only see items that pertain to my portion of the backlog. This request is s...
Guest over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration