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Quick search results should include "initiatives" as a section in the results

When searching in the quick search field at the top right corner on every section in Aha! - the "initiative" section should appear, similar to how "feature", "product" and "releases" appear in the results. This will allow us to access our initiati...
Guest over 8 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Add ability to search by Aha! reference number

We currently have to search by idea and feature titles, which is very cumbersome. If we already know the reference number, we should be able to search for that as well. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to find items in the system
Guest almost 9 years ago in Search 6 Already exists

Component lookup by numeric id for relationships, hashtag referencing etc

Currently, when looking for a specific component via relationship or when using "#" in a note/comment etc and you know the id, you always have to put in the whole id including the workspace prefix. If you only use the numeric id, you don't see any...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Jump to a feature card in the feature board

The search feature in the Feature Board hides all other cards (essentially acting as a filter). This is problematic, as whilst you have then found the feature you're looking for, you have no ability to rank it within the feature board. So far the ...
Robert Wood over 4 years ago in Features / Search 1 Future consideration

add "contains" when filtering txt fields

For feature names and descriptions, we have standard naming conventions. It would be useful to filter using 'contains' for the name and other txt fields. This way you can filter things together and apply a tag or perform a bulk edit.
John Seifert about 8 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Add the option to "select all" in filters

What is the challenge? When using filters, there isn't an option to "select all" and unselect the one you don't want. What is the impact? Time consuming when there are many options you must choose instead of a simple choose all and deselect possib...
Sherry Dockery 5 months ago in Reports / Search 2 Future consideration

Add a Search URL to support Chrome Search Engines

For all of my commonly used web applications (JIRA, Salesforce, Confluence) the search results are on a page with a specific URL. This allows me to create a Chrome 'search engine' so I can search without first navigating to the app. For example, I...
Michael Prescott almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Already exists

Filter Search by Product

We try to standardize common MRD and use cases throughout all of our products. Which Aha supports well through the ability to copy features/master features from one release to another. The problem comes though when searching (using the basic mag...
Michael Faust almost 6 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Search with set operation on Feature Reference No and JIRA Key

Make a filter able to select few features in Aha! based on Feature Reference# field just like JIRA For example I want to filter only features where Feature reference # is in (CMS-296, CMS-300, CMS-302, CMS-308) Also same way how to do the same...
Sudipta Panda about 7 years ago in Search 1 Unlikely to implement

ability to limit scope/default scope of search

When I am searching for something it defaults to searching everything and the drop down box reflects as such. If I could set the scope of the default search for a product/product line the search results would be more relevant to what I am currentl...
Guest over 7 years ago in Search 1 Unlikely to implement