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Improve the response time of search when linking records where there are 100s of results

When using the type ahead search to link records or "Roll up" to initiatives/goals the response of the search can be very slow, making the user experience frustrating. When you initially select the field in a record, it can take a few seconds to l...
Andrew Brooks over 4 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Prioritize search results with exact matches

Using a real example: We have a single idea in our system with the word "Tagging" in its title. Entering the word "Tagging" into the search bar results in a large array of results where the partial match "tag" features somewhere in the item (e.g. ...
Sam Banks over 4 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Search features with reference id number without product prefix

Would you be able to make the search engine to look for ProdXX-1234 even if you search with "1234" only? Sure there may be ProdYY-1234 as well as ProdXX-1234. Then the search result should show both. It would be real handy to search with number po...
Geoffrey Kim over 4 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Include results for saved reports in the search box

I often find myself trying to type a report name in the top-right search box, but reports are not included in these search results. Searching a report is only available via the "Search saved reports" box in the Reports dashboard.
Guest over 5 years ago in Search 0 Unlikely to implement

Include Initiatives in the scope of default search instead of making user select "Search all content..."

Currently only the Release, Master Feature, and Feature object types are returned in the search results (upper right). User doesn't get hits on Initiatives unless they "search all content." I search for initiative quite a lot and this extra step t...
Perri-Anne Sims almost 6 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Filter Search by Product

We try to standardize common MRD and use cases throughout all of our products. Which Aha supports well through the ability to copy features/master features from one release to another. The problem comes though when searching (using the basic mag...
Michael Faust almost 6 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Universal Search for Activity Log

Currently the search option for the Activity Log only works within the page that is visible at the time you run the search. As a result you may have to run a search on multiple pages of the Activity Log, which takes more time and increases the odd...
Lisa Carmichael about 6 years ago in Search 0 Unlikely to implement

Search for exact match

If I search for the word “paste” using the magnifying glass search I get loads of hits for the word “past”. This is really annoying. Please can there be an option for searching for an exact match for text.
Guest about 6 years ago in Search 2 Future consideration

Global search on all data

Global search is really a valuable help especially in our case where we have some history and where we handle a lot of information. The problem is that all information is not indexed. For example we have created a tag on ideas. The latter carries ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Make search box permanently visible

When searching for off references using the global search behind the magnifying glass, clicking to open it every time is tedious. why not make it permanently available without having to open it everytime?
Jon Ellis about 6 years ago in Search 0 Unlikely to implement