Filter Options for Release Phase To-do List Report
I am trying to create a Release Phase to-do list report (to share with team members and stakeholders via a Notebook) that only shows overdue and pending to-dos. I’ve created the list report, but when I try to filter by to-do status, it only lets m...
Brooke Watson
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Adding avatar icon/pic on each ToDo, Requirement/Feature list in order to easily identify if it is assigned and to whom
A Feature has been created with a number of Requirements and each of the requirements have a number of ToDos which need to be done - in many cases by different people. We are a having a self organizing team - I create the feature and inform the te...
Hi. I can search by text on all work items/tables except for to-dos.
Please can you add this filter so that I can manage/filter/process/digest my to-dos by text searches.
Ida van Jaarsveld
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
This idea encompasses a big picture echoed in a number of idea requests.
The To-Do' feature in Aha! really seems to be an afterthought compared to the other record types in Aha! such as Goals, Initiatives, Features etc. Specifically
To-Do's don...
Jeff Shood
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Need ability to filter tasks by status and/or the owner of the task. Currently this type of filtering is only applicable to Get All features API but not the task API.
John T
over 6 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Adjust to-do due dates automatically when changing feature timeframe
I'd like to see the ability to automatically move to-do due dates relatively to the change in feature timeline. For example, if the feature ran from May 1-May 10, and a to-do had a due date of May 2, shifting the feature from May 3-May 12 would mo...
almost 7 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
When I get a todo email it tells me the release name but not the product. Is there a way of including which product this refers to in the todo emails? As in “Product name” then > release phase > release name > ….. Or even in the todo page...
almost 7 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Enable marking "to-do" as complete at Initiative level when assignee is *not* the user marking as complete
As an admin and Product manager, I need to be able to manage to-do's across multiple assignees and users. Currently I am unable to mark a "to-do" as "complete" by checking the check box at the initiative level. I just discovered that if I click in...
almost 7 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists