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See multiple assignees in the Calendar view

Currently, when viewing To-Dos (I assume any other item too) on the Calendar view under releases, you cannot see multiple assignees, only the first. We often assign to-dos to multiple people as they need to complete the same activity but if they a...
Peter Whisenant almost 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Individual reporting from to-dos

Dear Team. We would like to create a KPI on to-do ageing and in order to do this we would like to pull report on to-dos, focusing on team members one by one. Right now to-do assignees can be reported only in groups and despite I select "overdue" s...
Krisztina Hodjan about 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

When copying a note, carry over to-dos

We are starting to use notes for meetings. I've set up to-dos for everyone to add their respective items to the agenda. Would be great to copy these with the meeting template vs. having to setup todos every time.
Rob Eroh over 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Hide/Show Function for Completed To Dos on Initiatives & Releases

Allow Contributors to Hide/Show completed To Dos on an initiative or release. At times the list of completed to dos can become extensive and an option to toggle and view only what is open/active would be helpful.
Laura Ellefsen about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Two Way Outlook 2016 Integration (Adding To Dos to Existing Calendar)

Create a two way integration with Outlook 2016 that allows users to Sync To Dos to an existing Outlook calendar and click the Aha To Do link to mark the to do as complete in Aha!
Guest over 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Interface AHA! "To Do's" into MS TEAMS/PLANNER

This would allow the project management team to review and manage the project in AHA! and collaborate with Global teams on MS TEAMS by integrating the tasks.
Shane SWINEHART over 4 years ago in Integrations / To-dos 0 Future consideration

Easier access to change due dates

Each change of a due date in my To-Dos list view take 4 clicks to expand the task, navigate to the date, change the date, and collapse the task. I just want to change the date so I can move a to-do to the next day or the next week... or pull up on...
Richard Price over 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Customize To-Do notification date and times.

Currently to-do notifications will look two days in advance for to-dos due soon. But we would like to customize the notification date and times because two days in advance is too short for us to get notifications. (For example, we want to get noti...
Guest almost 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

To-Do due date to count Weekdays

Currently To-do's are counting weekend days also and sometimes making a due date during the weekend. This is causing staff to think they are expected to come in and work items on weekends. It is also difficult to get an accurate due date when we d...
Ray Devenney over 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Ability to see to-do's via the workflow view, under the feature (and thus the status of the feature)

provides another simple, pre-built view to see to-do's that are rolled up to features which are separated by their status, and filtered by individuals/channels The way we are structuring our use of Aha! is to have individual contributors focus...
Guest about 5 years ago in To-dos 1 Future consideration