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Allow ability to mark a "To-Do" as "Unassigned" instead of defaulting to the user who wrote the Feature Card

As the Project Mgr for my Dev team, I oftentimes am the one driving the planning sessions and writing the Feature cards. Currently, any To-Dos written on a Feature Card are assigned to me automatically since I'm the one writing the card/to-do. I w...
Danette Colin over 7 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Ability to Tag Users when responding to a ToDo assigned to multiple Users

Would like the ability to tag Users within the response sections of the ToDo, to ensure that the person is notified when a specific note pertains to them, or to ensure they know an action may be waiting on them. Creating a new ToDo may not be need...
Chris Stocker over 7 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Include To-Do Comment Text in Automated To-Do notifications.

When I see that someone has "completed your to-do" or "commented on your to-do", I would like to see the associated comment they made when adding info or marking the To-Do as "done". This would allow me to delete the email and take no further acti...
Guest over 7 years ago in To-dos 1 Already exists

To Do - Attach File - Promote to release

Design Mockups, etc docs that are attached to a To Do should be able to be promoted/moved to the release level without the pain of downloading and uploading the document
Guest about 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Include contextual information with Todos in summary email

Currently Todo's in the summary email do not include any contextual information - for instance a Todo attached to a feature, does not include that feature name. Often when I am writing Todo's I will assume that context, so for instance a Todo migh...
Guest almost 9 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

"Expand all comments" option for To-dos.

Add an "expand all comments" option for To-dos under Feature List card details.
Guest almost 10 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Ability to set up automation to accept work requests

What is the challenge? There are cases for some of our teams where a work request should always be accepted and always create an epic. What is the impact? Non-value add steps are required to watch for and accept work requests. Describe your idea
Guest about 16 hours ago in To-dos 0

Ability to add watchers to to-do items

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Justin B 8 days ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Importing issues with date.

What is the challenge? Excel, to my knowledge and based on research, does not store cell formatting, so when I ensure a date is in YYYY-MM-DD format and save the .csv file, it will revert back to original formatting. What is the impact? Incorrect ...
Justin B 11 days ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Standardize how approval groups are applied via workflow updates vs ad hoc approvals

When an approval group is set for an approval via a workflow status update, the individuals in that group are assigned to the approval. When an approval is created on a record ad-hoc, the full group is assigned to the record instead, which is the ...
Maria Plotkina 15 days ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration