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Showing 30

Smart assignees for tasks, features, etc.

We have multiple PMs who work on different releases within one workspace. In our release templates, we have to manually assign to-dos for each release. Ideally, it would be nice if we could map the assignee to something smarter like "Release Owner...
Carah Counts over 5 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Adding Dummy User

Hi I would like to add dummy users as an assignee in Aha. I use Aha for project/product dev planning for a small group and do not require others to have access to Aha. I would like the ability to see which task is assigned to which person without ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Filter Options for Release Phase To-do List Report

I am trying to create a Release Phase to-do list report (to share with team members and stakeholders via a Notebook) that only shows overdue and pending to-dos. I’ve created the list report, but when I try to filter by to-do status, it only lets m...
Brooke Watson over 6 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Enable marking "to-do" as complete at Initiative level when assignee is *not* the user marking as complete

As an admin and Product manager, I need to be able to manage to-do's across multiple assignees and users. Currently I am unable to mark a "to-do" as "complete" by checking the check box at the initiative level. I just discovered that if I click in...
Guest almost 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Can you make the assignee visible in task views?

When adding to-dos to notes, features, releases, can you make the assignee visible without needing to click into the task, just like the due date?
Guest about 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Ability to untick To do items

It seems that once a To-do item is ticked it can't be unticked. The ability to untick To-do items would be useful. There may be many occasions where you thought a task was complete only to find that it isn't
Guest almost 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

When downloading a file from Aha (in a to-do) I would like to keep the file name

The issue we’re facing I believe is that when files are downloaded from Aha they’re renamed ‘original’. It’s not a huge issue but it would be helpful for the file to keep its original name upon download. i.e. - whatever the uploader has named ...
Guest about 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Product-level To-dos

It would be really useful to have To Dos which relate to much more high-level parts of the system. My use case today was that I was filling out my product information in bulk, and there were a number of fields where I need to ask another member of...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Due date on to-do items to show in the localised date format

When I click on a to-do item, the date is shown in the US format of mm/dd/yyyy, Ideally, the format should be shown using the date format as specified on the local computer. In the UK, Australia, New Zealand and many other English speaking countri...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Make To-do task status filter a multi-select field

As an Aha user filter a report of to-dos by selecting both Pending and Overdue status so that all open to-dos are shown at once while hiding Completed to-dos without exporting the report to Excel and filtering there
Paul Edge almost 8 years ago in To-dos 1 Already exists