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Enable reporting on completion date of To-Dos

A useful metric for progress reporting is how many items have been completed this week. I can produce a report of Features that have been Shipped in the last week, but I can't show To-Dos that have been completed as you do not expose this date, an...
Anne Tankard about 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Tag To-Dos in text fields, similar to @ for people and # for tasks.

Being able to refer to to-dos in a similar way to people and features will enhance meeting notes.
Rob Eroh about 8 years ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

Alert Icon for New To-Do's

People are not noticing they have a to-do item assigned to them. Often until the weekly digest email, or when it becomes overdue. It is not intuitive to go to the "My Work" section to check for to-do's. It would be good to have a notifier icon in...
Guest about 8 years ago in To-dos 2 Shipped

Duplicate To-Do's

On any given To-Do, from the Actions Drop down, I'd like to have a 'Duplicate' or 'Copy' function. Use Case - I need to review certain Notebooks on a regular time schedule (i.e. monthly) and after completing this month's To-Do, I'd like to recreat...
Joe Carpenter over 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Change the object that a to-do item is linked to

I need to change the link on to-do items other objects. For example: an unassigned to-do item to a feature one feature to another feature one feature to a goal Ideally from any object (or unassigned) to any other object (or unassigned)
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 6 Shipped

Integrate the Aha To Dos with the Outlook Calendar

Would be very helpful to be able to manage the Aha To Dos and have the visibility of the Aha To Dos on the Outlook Calendar.
cheryl fetchko over 8 years ago in To-dos 5 Shipped

Bulk edit To-Do's

We clone a release as a template and have created many to-do's in our features. Need the ability to bulk assign to-do's when someone creates a new release
Melissa Labrecque over 8 years ago in To-dos 13 Shipped
146 VOTE

Recurring To-do

Some of our to-dos need to be completed weekly - could we have an option to set a reoccurrence for a to do?
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 11 Shipped
226 VOTE

Custom fields for to-dos

IT would be great to have custom field support for to-dos. We use the to do to priortise the tasks between the team, if we had a custom field, this would make sorting and reporting easier. A Comments field against to dos would also be really hel...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 33 Shipped

My stakeholders would like to see the progress bar for a phase but our To-dos are defined within features that are defned under phases.

Hello. We have several workstreams collaborating to complete phases of work. So what I do is I define one to many features under a phase. Each feature represents a workstream (I use the feature tag to define the workstream). I usually defne 1 to ...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 2 Shipped