It would be great if you could make To Dos more functional.
attach an existing to do to a new idea
create an idea from a To Do
change a To Do into an idea
Sherri Anderson
almost 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Make it possible to change to-do's workspace, activity, master activity etc
Right now once a to-do is created, if it has to be moved under a different activity, master activity etc, it has to be deleted and created again under the correct record. I would suggest making it possible to change the to-do's affiliation without...
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Filter out completed to-do's on the Strategy > Goals page
Currently, to see active to-do's, you need to create a list report that willallow you to filter out your to-do's by status. This isn't most efficient and it would be great to have a filter on the Strategy>Goals page to do this.
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
"Lock" to-do's so that only the assignee can check it off
Anyone who can update records in a given workspace is able to check off to-do's even though it wasn't assigned to them. It would be great to have an option to lock to-do's so that only the assignee can check it off.
Particularly useful for when ...
Chrissi McNamara
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Ability to see to-do's via the workflow view, under the feature (and thus the status of the feature)
provides another simple, pre-built view to see to-do's that are rolled up to features which are separated by their status, and filtered by individuals/channels
The way we are structuring our use of Aha! is to have individual contributors focus...
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Make it possible to connect to-do's with activities in calendar view
I find it very helpful to keep track of my to-do's in the calendar view but when I want to add a new to-do there is no way of connecting it to an already existing activity. In order to do so, I need to go back to Initiatives which is a hassle. I w...
about 5 years ago
in Calendar / To-dos
Unlikely to implement
It seems to-dos are treated as an after-thought in the overall navigation design of Aha! I would like to see a separate menu item for accessing and reporting on To-dos. Currently, I have to create a list report in the Roadmaps section, and that's ...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
We have multiple PMs who work on different releases within one workspace. In our release templates, we have to manually assign to-dos for each release. Ideally, it would be nice if we could map the assignee to something smarter like "Release Owner...
Carah Counts
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
It seems that currently the way To Dos are set up in Aha! is such that they should be quick, check-off-in-one-go items (which, conceptually, they are).
However, sometimes To Dos cannot be completed in one go, or need to be completed in parallel to...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
I think todos have a lot of potential to represent non-feature work across Aha. I like the idea of not "polluting" aha with workarounds where features are used to represent work, nor requirements used to represent non-feature related work. There i...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration