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Hide workflow approval groups on to-do when no workspace users assigned

What is the challenge? All account approval groups populate for the approval group field on approval to-dos, even when no users from a given workspace are assigned to a group. This creates a challenge for someone to select the correct approval gro...
Jeanette Resnikoff 9 months ago in To-dos 1 Future consideration

Allow to-do's to be moved to iteration records

Who would benefit? Develop users What impact would it make? Currently users are able to move to-do records to all other roadmap record types (goals, releases, epics, features, etc), but not iterations. Iterations already support to-do's so this wo...
Brittany Rhoney 10 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

When accepting a work request, allow fields with same API_key to carry over from requesting record to new record

Who would benefit? Product Owners and Cross Functional Teams What impact would it make? Eliminate having to copy information from 'depends on' records into 'dependency of' records How should it work? It would work like it does when promoting ideas...
Guest 10 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Ability to associate ToDo items to workspace (not the Initiative/Epic/Feature)

Who would benefit? Product Managers and PM Leaders What impact would it make? Allow us to get more value out of Aha! by using Aha! ToDos for regular activities required of a team How should it work? Allow a ToDo record to be created as a child of ...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Import Approvals via CSV

Who would benefit? admins who need to create structured approvals, anyone who needs to create many approvals What impact would it make? save time and align functionality of the tool How should it work? in the same way that to-do's can be uploaded,...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow setting approvals to "any" or "all" when configuring automation rules to trigger approvals

Who would benefit? Users who require all members of an approval group to grant an approval What impact would it make? Right now it only allows "any" member which allows approvals in this scenario to proceed prematurely How should it work? Much lik...
Stephanie Lechner 11 months ago in To-dos 1 Future consideration

Automation rule to trigger a To-Do based on “Complete by date” custom field

Who would benefit? Management What impact would it make? Timeliness completion of releases How should it work? The rule would trigger a To-do for the owner on the date shown in the 'Complete by date' custom field rather than the fixed amount of da...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow me to create a batch of individual to-dos or work requests

Who would benefit? Teams with large deployments who make heavy use of to-dos and work requests to track cross-functional work What impact would it make? Today, if I need to assign a to-do or work request to a large number of recipients, I have two...
Reilly O'Connor 12 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Traceable Aha support tickets in My Work

Who would benefit? Aha Users/Admins What impact would it make? Improved traceability How should it work? When sending a Support ticket/Request, I want it to appear in the My Work section and the answers added to the original request, so that I can...
Mats Hultgren about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add end date to recurring to-dos

Who would benefit? anyone using recurring to-dos What impact would it make? small impact, but will reduce alerts and unnecessary admin How should it work? When setting a recurring to-do, I want to be able to set an optional end-date.
Nerissa Muijs about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration