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To-Dos don’t say what Release they’re attached to

In the “My Work” area, to-do’s will display the feature prefix, number, and name but do not display the Release name. This makes it impossible to know what release the to-do is associated with. Especially since all of our releases have the exact s...
Eric Kmetz almost 8 years ago in To-dos 3 Shipped

Automatically add description from work request when accepting and promoting

When I create a work request, I add the details to the description field, and when it's accepted and promoted to an issue type, I would like to see the two description fields mapped so the content is easily accessible on a single screen that can t...
Nerissa Muijs over 2 years ago in My work / To-dos 1 Shipped

Bulk update To-do's (e.g. marking them complete, etc.)

We get assigned many To-do's, and it would be nice if instead of having to click on each To-do and marking them complete, etc., can we be able to multi-select/bulk update more than 1 To-Do and marking them complete, for example?
Guest over 6 years ago in To-dos 3 Shipped

Add ability to import custom fields for To-dos

Who would benefit? Anyone looking to custom field data associated with their to-dos. What impact would it make? Teams can now define custom fields for To-dos within Aha! -- We should allow for teams to include important context captured as custom ...
Ashley Tierney 11 months ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

Remove due date from a to-do

As a product manager, I would like to be able to remove a date from a to-do item so that I don't have to use an unwanted due date and so that I don't have to delete the to-do and related comments by creating a new to-do without a date.
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in To-dos 4 Shipped

Tag To-Dos in text fields, similar to @ for people and # for tasks.

Being able to refer to to-dos in a similar way to people and features will enhance meeting notes.
Rob Eroh over 8 years ago in To-dos 1 Shipped

Display name of to-do assignee next to to-do name in default view

As a user, I'd like to be able to see who a To-do is assinged to without clicking on the To-do to open the full view. In this way, I can glance at a given Feature's To-Do list and see who has been assinged which tasks.
Ray Pawulich over 9 years ago in To-dos 2 Shipped

Disable auto-assignment of To-Dos

We don't find it useful that Aha! automatically assigns a To-do to the person creating the To-do because we often create To-dos during a team meeting and the person creating the To-do is not the person it is assigned to. If we assign To-dos, we do...
Guest over 7 years ago in To-dos 5 Shipped

Add "assign to me" option when creating a new to-do

Small quality of life improvement for those of us who love to-dos and often assign to ourselves. It would be nice to have an "assign to me" option when you create a new to-do — like the one for creating new features/activities.
Molly Jane Quinn over 5 years ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Ability to move todos and approvals to different records

Currently there is no obvious way of moving todo's and approvals from one record to another. While there is the ability to copy and delete todo's it would be great if there was a way of moving it from one record to another. This would help use cas...
Niall Gallagher almost 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Shipped