Ability to Tag Users when responding to a ToDo assigned to multiple Users
Would like the ability to tag Users within the response sections of the ToDo, to ensure that the person is notified when a specific note pertains to them, or to ensure they know an action may be waiting on them. Creating a new ToDo may not be need...
Chris Stocker
over 7 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Include To-Do Comment Text in Automated To-Do notifications.
When I see that someone has "completed your to-do" or "commented on your to-do", I would like to see the associated comment they made when adding info or marking the To-Do as "done". This would allow me to delete the email and take no further acti...
Design Mockups, etc docs that are attached to a To Do should be able to be promoted/moved to the release level without the pain of downloading and uploading the document
about 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Include contextual information with Todos in summary email
Currently Todo's in the summary email do not include any contextual information - for instance a Todo attached to a feature, does not include that feature name.
Often when I am writing Todo's I will assume that context, so for instance a Todo migh...
over 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Ability to sort To Dos by Due Date, Assigned to or Name
What is the challenge? We have to manually drag and drop To Dos in order to have them displayed in the order desired What is the impact? It is tedious to drag and drop Describe your idea I want the ability to sort To Dos by Name, Due date or Assig...
What is the challenge? https://big.ideas.aha.io/ideas/APP-I-2291 saw the addition of custom fields to to-dos which is great. We have added one for 'department responsible' so we can use this in reporting however it is not possible to set this up w...
Sophie Ramsden
27 days ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I want to work out of one to do list, but have other tasks outside of Aha that I track in Mircosoft Planner as it is tied to my meetings. What is the impact? I'm not as easily updating tasks and information in Aha. Describe ...
Hillary D
about 1 month ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I cannot import CSV files for bulk uploads of To-do's What is the impact? This makes task creation longer and time consuming Describe your idea Please fix this
Geoffrey Melle
about 2 months ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Receive notifications if someone adds/removes a To Do in a workspace
What is the challenge? Workspace owner and watcher (s) aren't notified if someone adds/removes a To Do in a workspace. What is the impact? Unable to monitor To Dos changes in particular for people who are using the To Dos feature as their action l...
Zineb Oufkir
2 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration