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My ideas: To-dos

Showing 195

Allow renaming of labels in Initiatiatives and other sections

It will be good to have the ability to rename field labels in Initiatives and other sections. For Example we want to rename "To Dos" to "Path to Green" but can rename it in the section.
Guest almost 8 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Allow changing terminology of To-Dos

Allow us to change the terminology of To-Dos, just like we can Initiative, Release, Feature, etc.
Max Cascone about 8 years ago in To-dos 1 Already exists

Assign To-Dos in comments

Sometimes it can be hard to wade through a lot of notification emails from Aha! and keep track of what requires action. Something I wish Aha! had was the ability to assign a to-do directly in a comment. That way the person leaving a comment doesn'...
Emily Yankush over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Dependencies in to-dos / Related to-dos / disabled to-dos based on conditions

We want to create a list of to-dos where each to-do only would being active after previous to-do is marked as completed by all assigned people. That would allow to create multiple to-dos at once without irritating people by assigning to-dos they c...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dependencies / To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow work requests to be assigned to workspace lines

I have company level initiatives at the highest level of my hierarchy and need to be able to request the owners of a workspace line (below the company line) to create an initiative in their workspace line. With work requests, I'm only able to assi...
Bonnie Trei over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add file and mockup attachment icons or indicators to completed to-do's to show something is there.

This is useful for documenting the support for a completed to-do and show proof why the to-do was considered "complete." These indicators/icons would be useful anywhere a file/mock up can be attached for the same reason i.e. showing proof of your ...
Guest over 4 years ago in To-dos 1 Future consideration

Triggers/Automation to allow for more up-to-date reporting

Our organization struggles to know if our many initiatives have been updated on the cadence we ask our product managers to adhere to. It would be fantastic to be able to use the Trigger as a reminder - ie: If an initiative has not been updated (or...
Daleth Hildebrand over 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Presentation ToDo Reporting

Please can you add the ability to report on presentation ToDos?
Tom Bailey over 7 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Let user change due dates in To-Do view

As a power user of tasks and the to-do view who uses dates to sort by priority, I would like to be able to change the due date by interacting with the date badge so that i can avoid the multile clicks and visual scrolling to find the date field an...
Richard Price over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

To-dos need a "today" option

Sometimes I get behind on to-dos. I'm only human. Unfortunately, if the to-do was due in a previous month, it's extra clicks to get to the current month. The same is true for future to-dos that I need to move to this month.
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration