When creating a task for a feature, everybody can read it. However, some tasks are only from e.g. a manager to a specific employee. In such a situation, only the manager (aka the creator of the task) and the employee (the assigned) should be able ...
Due to our workflow, I do not get assigned Features. However, I have LOTS of To-dos instead. Can I arrange the My Work page according to how I manage my work? Right now, the Features section is huge but empty.
Allow ability to mark a "To-Do" as "Unassigned" instead of defaulting to the user who wrote the Feature Card
As the Project Mgr for my Dev team, I oftentimes am the one driving the planning sessions and writing the Feature cards. Currently, any To-Dos written on a Feature Card are assigned to me automatically since I'm the one writing the card/to-do. I w...
Danette Colin
about 7 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Ability to Tag Users when responding to a ToDo assigned to multiple Users
Would like the ability to tag Users within the response sections of the ToDo, to ensure that the person is notified when a specific note pertains to them, or to ensure they know an action may be waiting on them. Creating a new ToDo may not be need...
Chris Stocker
over 7 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Include To-Do Comment Text in Automated To-Do notifications.
When I see that someone has "completed your to-do" or "commented on your to-do", I would like to see the associated comment they made when adding info or marking the To-Do as "done". This would allow me to delete the email and take no further acti...
Ability to generate a To Do and email to members of a team that do not hold an Aha! Licence. It may be that the wider Project Team are only ever involved in a specific part of a Release or Initiative and you want to assign them something but can't...
We have multiple PMs who work on different releases within one workspace. In our release templates, we have to manually assign to-dos for each release. Ideally, it would be nice if we could map the assignee to something smarter like "Release Owner...
Carah Counts
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists
I would like to add dummy users as an assignee in Aha. I use Aha for project/product dev planning for a small group and do not require others to have access to Aha. I would like the ability to see which task is assigned to which person without ...
almost 6 years ago
in To-dos
Already exists