Who would benefit? All Aha users What impact would it make? Reduce scrolling through long list of open notifications and be able to decipher urgent notifications from none urgent or specifications notifications from certain projects. How should it...
Add ability to tag users in the text of a stratgeic model
It's nice to be able to tag users associated with the business model in the body of the model. These are important stakeholders or collaborators that impact the model outcome but may not necessarily own the model or be a main driver.
Add a search bar into the Notification Preferences settings page
If you are trying to only turn notification settings on/off for a few Products, you need to open up a lot of drop down boxes to reach the final Product. If there was a search bar at the top, you could easily type in the first few letters of the Pr...
Provide option to only show notifications for @mentions
I need a way to isolate items (initiativies, features, or requirements, etc.) that I have been @mentioned on. Right now, notifications come up for updates to watched items or others I am a participant in. I participate in a LOT of things. I need t...
The concept of favorites exists in many places in Aha! — favorite reports, favorite attachments, and even favorite notifications. One place I’ve realized that I’m really wanting this functionality is with the records themselves. I would love to be...
Who would benefit? Team that are part of the project What impact would it make? Visibility for changes on the whiteboard How should it work? When a change is made to the contents of a whiteboard where a user has been added as a watcher, the user s...
Following a release should provide notification on changes to scope.
We have platform and product teams, our product roadmaps are fairly dependant on the platform roadmap. As a product manager I follow the platform releases, but I'm only notified of changes to status or date, I also need to be notified of changes i...
As a Product Owner I want to know when a label has been added to the release object.
As a Technical Writer, I want to know when a feature has needs documentation.
Currently, I can make myself a watcher on nearly every Aha! object. However, Ther...
We use broadcasts to make quick links easier to find for our product team. Some of these links are to Aha reports (no one can ever find the report they're looking for otherwise) and some are external links relevant to Aha, such as documentation ab...
We use a custom field for "internal stakeholders" and it would be great to have those users auto-subscribed to a ticket if they are added to the list.
Was thinking this functionality could be a setting on any user list custom field.