As an Ideas portal user, I would like to click on the idea reference in a notification email and this would open a new tab in my browser (if open) and take me to the related idea in the portal so that I can access the idea quickly and easily.
I understand we already have groupings of what kind of notifications but I would like to be able to filter out certain things such as features because my job primarily uses the ideas. (I do use the features but I do not require notifications for i...
Aha! needs more robust notification functionality—particularly, conditional formatting. We use Aha! to manage GTM activities associated with product launches. I would like to use Aha! to send automated reminders/alerts to activity & to-do assi...
It would be very beneficial to be able to filter notifications by the author as this will help get the information more quickly when having many users using the system and need to locate a notification by a specific user.
Add "@watchers" as shortcut to all users who watch the record
"@watchers" will automatically populated all users who watch the record, so when writing a comment with "@watchers", it will become @userA, @userB, etc. I know watchers receive automatically the notification about changes in the record, but a pers...
@mentions send notifications but do not subscribe user as a watcher
We often like to @mention users on different issues to get their attention to a specific item, but they don't want to be subscribed to the firehose of updates that come after that. Requesting a way to @mention someone without making them a watcher.
"Mark all read" should not mark new notifications not yet displayed.
So I was on the notifications page and, after reading the notifications and doing stuff based on them (and taking a phone call, etc.) I went back to click "Mark all read". As my finger hit the button, I saw the "New Notifications" alert. Unfortuna...
Deliverable Reminder pre due date (frequency determined for each deliverable or across all deliverables by PM))
the reminders on to dos is great and if an item is overdue a reminder will be sent to the owner. I feel having the ability to set reminders prior to a due date (daily, weekly or specific set of dates each week) would help keep this in front of any...
I regularly share content with colleagues and others who do not have Aha access. I do this using web pages. However, comments on that content must currently be shared in person, or by email or chat. The ability to add an open comment area on a sha...
I would like to have the ability of creeating reports to show the number of mentions (@) that a specific user receives or creates so I can check how active (or requested) a person is.