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Search on names in comment fields

When different reviewers post comments on features or requirements, it would be helpful if we can search for comments by user name. This way we know what comments a particular user has provided.
Ratnesh S over 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Group comments together in notifications

When I receive multiple notifications on comments to a single feature, they are scattered throughout all my notifications. Additionally, I end up seeing the most recent one first, open the feature and read all the comments. Then as I read the rest...
Jonathan Steel almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

For comments, when a draft is saved, include attachments/screen shots that have been pasted in.

If you are entering comments and you get interrupted (a meeting starts, a phone rings, someone stops by your desk, etc), you can resume editing after a while. A message appears underneath the comment saying 'restoring draft from mmdddyyyy hhmmss'....
Jill Collins almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Stop notifications for specific items

While viewing an item (idea or feature, for example) enable to control my notifications of that specific item. Today, I have to go to notifications and find the item to change notifications. Interestingly, there's neither a search feature nor refe...
Tom Beck almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add Release (Schedule) Name to Instant Notifications

I've received requests from several Aha! users to include the Release (Schedule) name and Feature (Activity) name in all notifications. The Feature (Activity) name is included in instant notifications and the Workspace name is included in the dige...
Brooke Watson almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Whenever a User is added to a Custom Table User Field, add them as a Watcher

When you have a User Field in a Custom Table, add them as a Watcher. Similar to how @'ing someone makes them a Watcher. In fact, whenever a User is referenced, they should become a Watcher.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Automatically create to-dos (or suggested to-dos) based on activity history

What is the challenge? When people mention me in comments asking me to do something, I don't always see those comments. What is the impact? Sometimes I miss requests that come my way. Describe your idea Use AI to review my notifications and if it ...
Todd Meyer 18 days ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add Comments on behalf of another user

What is the challenge? We use admin resource to collate information ahead of creation in Aha! including comments. We need to add the comments on behalf of the person who added the comments so that they can be responded to in Aha! What is the impac...
Marc Robinson 3 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Create record from notification

What is the challenge? Users may need to take action based on notifications, but manually creating related records can be time-consuming What is the impact? Saves time by streamlining record creation directly from notifications Describe your idea ...
Nathaniel Collum 4 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Notification search

What is the challenge? Sometimes I'm looking for a particular phrase or feature idea in my notifications. What is the impact? I have to scroll through several pages of notification and use the browser/OS search to find what I'm looking for Describ...
Nathaniel Collum 4 months ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration