Support users to notify for work request in SSO custom attributes
Many large organizations are interested in adopting work requests to better track their matrixed dependency workflows but are running into limitations that prevent them from being able to do it at scale. Today when selecting which users to notify ...
Hi, while using the browser (Edge) spelling correction within a table under Aha notes, the spelling correction is inserted exactly where the cursor is located, usually in the middle of a word, the fix is inserted but the wrongly spelled word is no...
Take a minute and complete these overdue to-dos - notification link to My work
This email reminder about what I have not done is a great thing. As you made a possiblity to have a link to My Work working for every user please add this link to this notifications. Something like, "You can se...
Provide more meaningful error messages in Jira 2.0 setup
Tried to add a project on step 3 of the Jira 2.0 integration setup and got "Unhandled error. Please report to". The cause of this was a lack of permissions to that particular project. Had the error message clued me to that, I could ...
Make it possible to add comments when working in Aha on mobile devices
Aha works mostly great in a browser on a iPad. But when I try to add a new internal comment on an idea or a feature its not possible to open up the comment field to write something. That’s a big problem when trying to answers questions and so on a...
Add ability to autocomplete links to Ideas, not only features, in comments, descriptions, etc.
Unless I've missed how this works, I can automatically link to a feature by typing in the feature number proceeded by a # sign, something like #FEATURE-12. I'd like to be able to refer to ideas in the same way, but if I type in #FEATURE-I-6, nothi...
Using latest firefox on OSX Yosemite
@mentions are horribly broken. The autocomplete dialog triggers but is not correctly populated
For example, there is a user called Harry in my install and if I type @har I get the popup - but with other user na...