The Current notifications options are a little limited going by feedback from our users.
Asking for no notifications is a blanket application across the whole tool which can be an inconvenience.
We have had users ask if it was possible to unsubscr...
Add keyboard shortcuts for missing WYSIWYG editor formatting types
You currently support Cmd+B for bold and other basic markup. I even like how you can press Cmd+B again to turn it off without leaving the keyboard. (y) What apears to be missing is integration to select the following elements from the formatting m...
it would more clear being able to highlight a text in a description (e.g. feature description) and add a comment related to that selected text (like in MS Word)
Add feature name to To-do notifications shown on notifications page
Currently on the notifications page, the notifications only indicate that an action was taken on a To-do, but don't show which feature that To-do was associated with - that requires clicking into the notification. Would be helpful not to have to c...
Compile all product digests into a single digest email
We have six products in the system, five of which are within a single product line which means our team sees 3 - 5 digest emails land in their inbox all at once when the weekly digest notifications go out. It would be handy to have the ability to ...
If possible, please show the release status in these emails. We often create a release as a placeholder, but scoping and planning for the release takes longer than a week -- so the roadmapping digest email is delivered containing release dates tha...
Currently, I am receiving a large amount of successive emails for roadmapping digests I'm assigned to. These alerts come in at approximately 2:00am in my time zone. This annoyingly sends my phone into a frenzy with noisy alerts and wakes up my fam...
It would be nice if the custom field - Note Type would have an outline this way you could tell if added to features section that the field was editable. Really just need to make the input field for note type visible.
Would love the ability to have my comment drafts saved for at least a short period of time. Other project tools (trello and basecamp) we utilize do a great job at handling this.
So far I've had numerous comments get lost due to accidentally trigge...