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Showing 650

Count of users

on the user admin screen (and associated 'user' areas of the Product and Product lines) it would be helpful to have a count of users in each column. i.e. for 'Paid Seats' I would like to see (37) underneath that column. In the product/product line...
Joe Carpenter over 9 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Need additional details around the User Roles - specifically who can delete what

Currently the role descriptions give a general idea as to who can add what, but doesn't speak to who can delete certain things within the Aha! instance. You might be indicating that by saying (i.e.) that the Contributor role can *manage*".. strate...
Joe Carpenter over 9 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Export product hierarchy

When you have many products, product lines and product owners it is beneficial to be able to easily present distribution responsibilities in other presentation tools when managing your company. You have export function for users, but it is hard to...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 6 Unlikely to implement

Extend product tree to support different configurations of a product line

I manage a product line where each product has different configurations. Currently I get around it by making different releases, but it really doesn't solve the problem because the different configurations have different requirements. So, being ab...
David Spada over 9 years ago in Account settings 1 Unlikely to implement

When entering a tag and it makes suggestions - hitting enter should add first tag, not add a new unfinished word

Currently if you hit enter as the tag suggestions are displayed, it will enter a new unfinished word. This leads to messiness and tag cleanup.
Suzanne Vaughan over 9 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Having the ability to delete custom field tags

Custom tags are a powerful feature. for reasons I'm confident you're aware of. However, once you create a custom tag field, say "PM_Ideas", there is not the ability to edit or delete the tag value. This is very limiting in such key ways as 1) Once...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

In workflows, add the ability to limit setting a certain status to certain users.

In workflows, most of the time a status like "approved" is available. However, at the moment everybody can set this status, so it pretty useless. If only certain users (e.g. with a certain role) could set the status to approved it suddenly gets v...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 2 Unlikely to implement

Tag Separation by Product

I have a number of different products all of which require their own tags. Each product is sufficiently different that a tag in product one would not make sense in product two. Currently I can see all of the tags for product two in product one and...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 18 Unlikely to implement

Add Development Lead as a Role

We would like Development Leads to be able to update status on features & requirements once they have left the planning phase. Ideally, the Dev Lead could update status & add comments once the feature/req gets into the "In Development" phase.
Matt Lavallee over 9 years ago in Account settings 7 Will not implement

Allow bulk-edit of Scorecards

a similar set of features could easily have a common score profile and it would be nice to be able to bulk-score (bulk-edit) the score of a series of features to avoid having to enter the same stuff over and over.
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 11 Unlikely to implement