Deeper integration with Teams by using custom App and SAML2
Using the Microsoft Teams App Studio we can add sites that are packaged together as a set of tabs accessed by an icon on the sidebar of Teams. When using SAML2 authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, users of the site is presented wi...
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Migrating a workspace from a free trial environment to a customised company domain/environment doesn't always go smoothly. To do's and other data fields do not get migrated through the export/import process. Providing 30 day trials within a compan...
Karl V
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow non-admin product owners to select the custom layout when creating a new workspace
This appears to be the current process - can this be made leaner? Non-admins create new workspaces Admin identifies workspaces which don't have the correct custom layout Admin manually adds the correct custom layout (I didn't find a way to bulk ed...
Mary Carrigan
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Improve the creation, change and management of the Line and Workspace capabilities in easy-to-use way(s)
There needs to be a 'better' way to create the Line and Workspace hierarchy Right now, you go to an arcane place ( Account / Customizations / Workspaces ) Then you create a Line, … then you create a workspace ( or another Line ) This is a Wizard-l...
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ideas and Features have ID's so that they can be uniquely found but Custom Table Records do not have ID or unique links
Ideas and Features have ID's so that they can be uniquely found but Custom Table Records do not have ID or unique links I want to be able to share a Custom Table entry to others so that they can quickly locate it For example IDEA has a unique ID A...
A suggestion if possible, would be an update button so that the page knows when you are done selecting your filters and updates when ready. I often have to click on the refresh button as it doesn't register the filter changes or it start refreshin...
Fatimah Gorin
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow release template to be selected when importing releases via CSV so they have phases (or just use the default)
When you import new releases via CSV, you cannot specify a release template to be applied to the release. The side effect of this, is that all imported releases have no release phases. We should allow people to specify a release template by name w...
Todd Meyer
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When importing new features via CSV, add them in the order they appear in the CSV
Currently when importing features via CSV, the features are added to the release(s) in the opposite order they appear in the CSV file. Ex: CSV file: Feature A Feature B Feature C Aha! release after import: Feature C Feature B Feature A Assuming th...
Todd Meyer
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration