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Report on custom fields used in integrations, reports and roadmap views

Today you can identify which layouts and workspaces custom fields are actively used in. However, when looking to manage a large number of custom fields across a large organization, there is no way to determine which integrations are using that cus...
Jeanette Resnikoff over 1 year ago in Account settings / Reports 0 Future consideration

In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names

What is the challenge? In the Menu: Account Settings > Customizations > Statuses and workflows, What can I do to show a list without having to scroll down many times to find the workflow names (See screenshot below). What is the impact? I ne...
Mike Jacobson 4 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow default value for editable choice fields

When creating a custom field of type editable choice it would nice to be able to pick one of the choices as the default value
Robert B almost 6 years ago in Account settings 4 Future consideration

Use an automation to set a custom field value to 'blank

I use automations to set the date for a next response on ideas. Once the idea is in plan, I'd like to set that next response to clear
Gilly Dekel almost 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Make worksheet fields work the same as calculated columns

I can use this equation: if (field("fieldname") >= today(), true, false) -- where the field name is a custom date field in an Epic layout, as a calculated column but it won't work as a custom worksheet field equation because have to give the fi...
Robert B almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Mark approvals as complete via automations

Who would benefit? Product teams who require approval steps in specific scenarios. What impact would it make? Save time and improve efficiency How should it work? Support the closing of approval to-dos via automations. This would allow teams who h...
Madeleine Black 12 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Using automation, allow features and requirements to inherit a Rollup release name

What is the challenge? Roll up releases are ideal to synchronize releases of services within a platform. As an example, on Service A and Service B in Platform A are both released on the same schedule. Our developers work within Jira and Devops, an...
Steve C 4 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to archive custom fields

We have a large set of custom fields and the fields evolve over time. This means fields are withdrawn from use periodically, but there's no way to mark a custom field as archived and so prevent it from being available to include in a layout or rep...
Sophie Ramsden over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Enable Conversion of Product Workspace to Product Line

In the creation / setup phase of workspaces and product lines, we cannot change the workspace designation to a product line. Instead we have to move the data objects from the existing workspace to other workspaces, then delete the workspace that c...
Roger Octobre over 4 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Standardize active user calculation

Aha! shows how many users are active in an account in two places: On the Billing page and in the CSV download of users on the Users page. For the Billing page, the number is calculated using the last login time, but for the CSV the report shows th...
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration