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Account settings

Showing 650

Allow "Advanced Estimates" for Ideas

Based on this Aha Page, Advanced Estimates can only be added to Initiatives, Epics, and Features/Activities. In our environment, we need to identify team impact early on at the Idea level. These not work requests, but rather an identification of w...
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Show full name of selections within Custom Fields in the details drawer

Topic: Custom Fields cut off and do not show the entire name Issue: When I select a custom field and I hover over the '...' it does not show me the rest of the custom field name. (See screenshot below) Use Case: When we select custom fields, we wa...
Mike Jacobson over 3 years ago in Account settings 3 Future consideration

Make "Statuses" in workflows their own object that can be adopted within status workflows

Currently, the way the Status Workflows are setup, each workflow is completely independent from other workflows, even when most of the same statuses are reused across these workflows (teams just want to add one more status). The result of this, is...
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add a filter to Account Settings - Custom Fields by Used in Layout

User, needs to filter by 'Used in Layout' in the Account Settings for Custom Fields, to easily view fields used in specific layouts and more easily edit specific fields per layout, or to see or not see fields that are not in a layout. This would i...
Steve Podzamsky over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Make New user message easier to edit and away from security

We have a custom New USer message but when you go to edit it the entire message disappears so if you just want to remove a name you have to reenter the entire message. It is also closely tied to the security area and should be separate so that the...
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

2FA with YubiKey

YubiKey is a secure, hardware-based method of two-factor authentication. Please add support for 2FA via YubiKey to Aha!
Jeff Tucker over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Support One to many relationship fields on Customize record cards

Why is it useful? Ability to add One to many relationship fields on Cards really helps to view the field value at glance rather than to open a record to view field values. Who would benefits from it? Anyone who uses board. How should it work? It...
Tej Namala over 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Will not implement

Leave watcher section blank

We would love the option to leave the watcher section of the different cards blank instead of automatically assigning them to the workspace owner.
Yaritza Fleites over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Export in CSV/Excel

It would be very interesting to provide a way to export features cards in CSV, and not only in PDF or image
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

An option to remove prefixes found before initiative names when they have been linked within a feature

This would be useful, as an option so those who prefer the prefix can still access it. At the moment the prefix is clouding our users view, an slowing down different internasl processes
Guest over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration