Custom Tables - Import many-many record relationship information via the “Import from CSV” capability
Custom tables are a great way of capturing information/objects that exist outside of the standard Aha! Data model.
Many times customers will have a long list of Aha! records that they want to add/update with the relationship to a record/row in a c...
Automation: Allow for Workspaces to inherit automations from Product Lines
I work in a group that has many workspaces. We would like to be able to define automations at the Product Line level that will impact all workspaces underneath it or at least be available to the workspaces underneath it.
We have Paid Seat Groups established, and have an internal policy that all licensed users need to belong to a seat group. However, we still have admins who forget to add this because they aren't promoted for it when adding a user from products>...
Ability to apply a workspace template to multiple workspaces in bulk
Workspace templates are a great way to encapsulate workspace configurations into a template, so that we can quickly spin up new types of workspaces. However after creating a new template, we have a need to apply that template to a large number of ...
Stop Product Hierarchy from collapsing after each edit in Product Configuration (Account Settings > Account > Customizations > Configure Products)
After editing the product configuration the product hierarchy always collapses to the top level. This is very inefficient when multiple things need to be changed. Ideally the product hierarchy structure stays exactly at the same level after the ed...
Ability for Admins to view the History of a custom layout to know which custom fields were added/removed and by whom.
We recently had to submit request (692700) because a custom layout that was shared by many workspaces was updated and needed to be reverted back with the fields that were removed because the admin did not know the impact was beyond a single worksp...
Ablility to make custom fields mandatory or optional with visibility contraints for a better User experience
it's all about the user experience and would be nice to indicate which fields are mandatory or optional versus only optional. we have to indicate in the help text whether it is mandatory or optional and also use * to indicate mandatory beside the ...
We have instances where sometimes a custom field "Type" needs to be updated due to a later integration. It would be optimal to be able to adjust the existing field from one type to another (ie from "Predefined Choice List" to "Predefined Tags ...
As an account administrator, I would like the ability to export a list of all my users to a .csv file and include information on their last login as well as their user role access to the various product/product lines in my account.
Ability to distinguish between users with the same real name
In a large organization (3000+ folks, like mine), there are bound to be users who have the same first + last name, as is used in Aha when @-mentioning a user. When using this @-mention feature, there isn't a way to distinguish between these users,...